Page 57 of Shadowed Radiance
Connor, Finn, and I shared amused glances at the two friends calling our one-night-stand adebacle. Ava could count on us not letting her live that one down either once we were in private.
"Are the girls okay?" Ava asked, stepping back so she could see Regina's face.
Regina nodded. "Alexander allowed Marie to stay with them in their bedroom. She's doing her best to keep them occupied with games."
"What about Chester and the others?"
Her friend’s expression grew more grim. "Chester was injured pretty severely when they attacked us, but Alexander allowed one of the other spellbinders to heal the worst of his wounds. Two of the guardians died trying to fight off the attackers."
“Two more casualties to add to Alexander’s tally,” Ava said through gritted teeth. She gestured toward the house where the rest of our forces were waiting. “Can you please go ease my mother’s fears about the girls? Let her know they’re okay.”
Regina scowled. “Are you trying to get me out of harm’s way? I’m in good enough shape to go back in there and help you. Let me make up for my failure.”
Ava narrowed her eyes and said fiercely, “You havenotfailed me in the slightest tonight. You kept those girls safe when I couldn’t.Yougot them away from Alexander earlier. It’s not your fault that he had traitors planted among us. I’m not sending you away because of anything you’ve done. I reallydowant you to report on the girls’ condition to my mother. And Alexander limited our number to 20, plus me.”
Her friend’s expression softened slightly, and she nodded. “Okay. If that’s how I can best help you, then that’s what I’ll do. But you best believe we’ll be charging in there after you all if we think you need backup.”
Ava smiled. “I would expect no less from youormy mother. And thank you.”
Regina nodded and then threw a dirty look over her shoulder. “Make sure you wipe the floor with that asshat. I expect no less from youoryour Shadow Wolves.”
Connor waited until Regina was several feet down the sidewalk headed to our HQ to drawl loud enough for her to hear, “I’m surprised you have such high expectations for the subjects of something described as adebacle.”
Regina glanced back and flashed him a smirk but kept walking. Which was our cue to gird our loins and walk into the lion’s den. Or, as Sanai had described it, the den of vipers…
* * *
I watched Regina saunter away with a grin on my face. Shadows, I reallydidapprove of our little Beacon’s best friend. She’d chosen well. Her exceptional taste only made sense, given that she’d chosenusas her bonded wolves and future mates.
I was definitely a glass-half-full type.
My smile faded as Ava grabbed Shea’s hand again and began marching up the walkway toward the entrance where Alexander’s traitorous ass waited. I wanted nothing more than to punch his smug face but alas. He had the upper hand, considering the hostages he held. For now.
The group our asshole uncle presided over backed away from the foyer so ours could enter. The foyer opened directly onto a hall to the left and a large family room to the right. Allowing them to give us plenty of room and leaving a decent amount of space between them and us. Ava and Shea stood at the head of our group, with Finn and me to each side. Everyone else fell in behind and next to us. Alexander stood several feet away, surrounded by nearly two dozen people I identified as Spellbinders, Radiants, and renegade Shifters. Each had a unique scent my inner wolf recognized.
“I’m pleased to see you decided to be reasonable, darling niece.”
Ava stiffened almost imperceptibly. Something those who didn’t know her well might not even register. “I suggest you stop calling me that if you want me to continue beingreasonable, Alexander.”
His lips twisted in amusement. “I see. Well, then, let’s get down to business, shall we? Time for our little trade.”
“First I want toseethe girls. And the spell you want me to cast.”
“I expected you might say that.” He motioned to someone down the hall. The man nodded and disappeared toward the girls’ bedroom. Moments later, he returned with one of them. A scared-looking Sorsha, judging by her tear-stained cheeks and how tightly she clutched “Bun Bun” the stuffed rabbit to her chest.
Growls broke out among all three of us brothers, but we managed to otherwise rein in our inner wolves. Ava sent comforting sensations through our bond and forced her gaze away from Sorsha and onto Alexander.
“I saidbothgirls, Alexander.”
He inclined his head slightly. “I understand your request, but we need insurance that you will actually perform the spell once you read it. Still, I’m not myself unreasonable. You may have one of your guardians escort little Sorsha to safety now, in exchange for reading the spell.”
Ava hesitated, obviously caught between temptation to ensure one niece’s safety but not wanting to sacrifice the other’s well-being in the process. I leaned forward and murmured, “I think Kayleigh and Rory herself wouldwantyou to get Sorsha to safety now if possible.”
That was the right thing to say, because Ava’s body relaxed and she nodded. But then she shot Alexander an icy expression. “Chester will escort Sorsha to safety. Heisher guardian, after all.”
Alexander gave a sweeping bow and nodded to the same minion. A moment later, the man escorted a limping Chester down the main hallway. He must have explained the situation, because Chester immediately swept Sorsha into his arms, nodded at our group, and strode toward the front door. One of our Spellbinders quickly told him where to find the rest of our forces before he stepped outside.