Page 18 of High Value Target
Seeing she was okay, he bent, his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. “You trying to piss me off? You don’t go anywhere without me. I thought I made that clear when I just finished telling you thatnot one minute ago!”
She pointed at the car, and he noticed how pale her face was. He straightened, a slither of warning flashing through his spine. “What is it?”
“There’s a… a… a snake in the car.”
He stepped closer and saw a four-foot rattler slither out of the door and disappear into the brush. He glanced toward the house. “Someone put it there.”
“Why would someone do that?”
“You tell me.”
“That’s crazy.”
“Is it?”
“What the hell is going on?”
He grabbed her upper arm. “I don’t know, but until we figure this out, you listen to every word I say. Understand me?”
She nodded once. Fear filled her face, her eyes wide, her skin pale, her body trembled under his hold. She was really scared this time. Good. Maybe he needed her scared. It might make his job easier.
She jerked her arm free. “I’ll do what you say from now on, but I need you to do something for me.”
“What’s that?”
“I need to know my horse is safe. I don’t want anything to happen to Pharaoh. What if someone attacks him?”
“I’m concerned aboutyoursafety, not your damn horse’s.”
“It would destroy me if I lost Pharaoh. Please, Grady.”
“Fine.” Her use of his first name didn’t escape him. He knew she was turning on the charm. Why couldn’t he resist her pleas? “I’ll see that one of the other men watches over the stables. I’ll tell him the horse is worth a fortune, and it's by orders of JD.” He ran a hand through his hair and paced. “Where were you running off to?”
“Anywhere. Nowhere. I felt like I was suffocating. This damn charity event, all the demands, all the pressure to be perfect.”
“Is that why you went to Paris, and Singapore before that, and Tahiti before that? Avoiding the pressures of your high society life?”
Her expression turned shocked. “So, what, are you digging into my past now?”
“Part of my job.”
“No, it’s not. What I do and why I do it is no concern of yours.”
“I need to know everything about you if I’m going to keep you safe.”
“None of the other bodyguards ever did.”
“No shit. And how’s that working out for you?”
She stared at the car’s open door. “You think someone did that on purpose?” Her gaze shifted to the house. “What if there are more?”
“I think your vehicle was easy to access. You probably didn’t even lock it, did you?”
“Why would I? It’s on the estate.”
“That’s why.” He pointed at the car. “From now on, you lock your vehicle.”
She stalked off. “I need another shower.”