Page 35 of High Value Target
She snorted. “Right.”
“You don’t think so?”
She ignored him.
“I’ll make you a bet.”
“What kind of bet?”
“If I beat you to that stop sign, then you make your bed for a week.”
“How do you know I don’t already?”
“Do you?”
She didn’t reply.
“That’s what I thought.”
“For what reason would you want me to make my bed?”
“I’ll tell you after you lose.”
“You’re so sure I’m going to lose?”
“Prove me wrong.”
“But you’re a lot taller than I am. It’s not fair.”
“Life isn’t fair. But I’ll give you a head start.” He slowed to a stop, and she did, too. “We start here. I’ll give you to that big pecan tree. That’s about twenty-five yards. When you get to it, I’ll start running. First one to the stop sign wins. Deal?”
“Okay. Deal.”
“Ready to start?”
She took a few breaths and took off, running flat out.
When she got to the tree, he took off, really digging deep and finding his top speed. He closed in on her, but she kept in the lead until the last ten yards, where he was able to pass her.
They both slowed to a stop. She bent over, breathing heavily.
“Good job. You almost had me there,” he said, breathing hard himself.
“You suck,” she replied.
He chuckled. “Come on, we’ll go slow on the way back.”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah, that’s how I felt about my drill sergeant after a ten-mile run.”
They slowly jogged back.
“So, why do you want me to make my bed?”
“Because starting your day completing one simple task sets you up for the whole day. It’s a fact.”
“That’s ridiculous.”