Page 9 of High Value Target
“Nothing. No one. I just knocked it off the desk. It was an accident. Don’t worry about it. The staff will clean it up.”
“Daddy, what’s wrong? And why have you added another man to my security detail? It’s bad enough I have one at all. None of my brothers do. But that man”—she pointed dramatically toward the front hall—“is impossible, and I won’t put up with it.”
Her father gave her an impatient look. “He’s the best in the business.”
“I want him fired. Immediately.”
“For what reason?”
“He was rude to Palmer, for one.”
“I’m sure Palmer is a big boy.”
“Well… he’s insolent.”
“Really? And how was he rude to you?”
“He thinks he’s boss.” She slapped a hand to her breastbone. “My boss.”
JD couldn’t hide his smile. “Dear Lord, a man trying to boss around the stubbornly independent Miss Wyatt? No.”
“Don’t be droll. It doesn’t suit you.”
“Come give your father a hug. I haven’t seen you in almost a month.”
She moved into his embrace, pressing her head to his chest.
He rubbed her back. “It’s good to have you home, baby girl. And a little more humor would do you a world of good. I’ve met Mr. Steele. I found him to be very polite and quite professional. He stays, Tinsley. Get accustomed to it.”
She pulled back. “Why, Daddy? You haven’t told me the reason I need increased security.”
He moved out of her arms and returned behind his desk. “Palmer is about to announce he’s running for office. That brings out all kinds of crazies.”
“Be serious, Daddy. Four bodyguards? That can’t be the reason.”
“It’s part of it.”
“What’s the other part?”
He leaned in his chair. “Let’s just say there’ve been some unpleasant developments with some business dealings of mine. You and your mother are everything to me. Enemies see weakness. You are my weakness. If anything happened to you…”
“Nothing is going to happen to me.”
“Make your old man happy and let me have this, Tinsley. Please.”
She couldn’t deny him. Something inside her had always made her driven to please her mother and father, even when what was required was the last thing she wanted.
She exhaled with a huff. “How long?”
“Until I deem it no longer necessary.”
“Indefinitely?Absolutely not. If this isn’t sorted out by my birthday, I’m going back to Paris. I was quite safe there.”
“You think the men I deal with can’t hop on a plane?”
“Then maybe you should reconsider how you run your business, Daddy. People shouldn’t want to hurt you and your family because of how you do business.”
He couldn’t argue with her, so he ignored her statement. “Grady Steele stays until I say otherwise. Now go upstairs and find your mother. I know she’s dying to see you.”