Page 105 of Hunter's Revenge
He fucks me harder and when I come again, his cock pulses. It gets harder and he climaxes, filling me with hot cum.
A few seconds pass and he pulls out of me, then turns me to face him so he can pick me up.
I wrap weak arms around his neck while he holds me close to his chest.
“Where are we going now?” I pant.
“Bed. I think we both need more, don’t we?” He runs a hand through his wild, messy hair. “Answer me.”
“Good. Next time, I want your pussy on my face. You can ride me all night and day tomorrow.”
“The wedding—”
“It can wait.”
Warm fingers float over my chest, caressing my skin.
I stir from a deep, deep sleep I’m rarely used to experiencing without the added effect of nightmares. My eyes open and take in the silver moonlight filling my bedroom, then turn my head and look at the beautiful woman lying in my arms.
Gwen is resting on my chest with her hand splayed out next to her face.
Her golden hair spreads over her naked breasts like a cape and I’m holding her against my body as if I always want her to be mine.
It’s a sign of the shift between us I could control no more than a bull in a ring gearing up to kill.
Logic tells me to pull away, but the man inside wants to savor the feeling of being with her for a few more moments.
Just a few more seconds, then I’ll step back into the reality where I have to focus.
I lost control again last night. I know I’m fucked because I keep falling into the same trap.
All I have to do is look at Gwen, then I want her and it’s like I can’t remember why I shouldn’t have her.
Last night was more intense than any other. Each occurrence has pulled me deeper into her and that thing between us grows, getting bigger, wider, larger.
That thing turned into last night. The colossal epiphany that it's not just physical between us.
It’s not just sex. I won’t lie to myself and pretend it is.
Or that I’monlycrazy about her body. What’s making me crazy is her.
There's something more to being with this girl that I can't control.
The force of it is overriding my ability to think and when I’m around her it’s impossible to focus on anything that’s not her.
Last night, I realized the severe error I made was thinking I could switch off when we left Wilmington. I thought I could forget that potent chemistry we had and the attraction that drew me to Gwen in the first place.
Here I am, proving I couldn’t.
My watch tells me it’s four a.m., mere hours before we get married and I unleash my plan on the Navarros.
There’s nothing I would love more than waking my beautiful wife-to-be so I can have her again. Then the wedding and the world can wait while we spend all day in this bed indulging on each other.