Page 11 of Hunter's Revenge
If I wasn’t pale before, I am now. “You what?”
“You heard me and I think it was a good call. I took the reins and partnered with Mistress Layla’s Wild Nights. She’s new and looking for business. I agreed to give her thirty percent on every sale. Last night, I sent out an email to the subscribers on our mailing list, and we got a thousand sales and five hundred preorders on the lingerie line itself.”
I stare back at her in disbelief. I want to be mad. But I can’t be. The news is phenomenal and way more than we’ve ever made on any of our launches.
We’ve been in business for nearly two years and our average earnings is twenty grand a month, half of which is deducted for expenses and the wages we pay our staff. So, her overnight success is a tremendous deal.
Screw everyone—Marybeth—to Hell who thinks that I’m the devil or that I’ve gone over to the dark side.
Where are those who judge me when I need them?
Not here, or anywhere.
“That is amazing, Dru. Oh my God. Thank you so much.”
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing, and please take your cut.”
She laughs. “No, the whole thing is yours. Now we just have to figure out how to get the rest.”
Hearing her say that simple word makes me feel like I’m not alone. I’ve never been when it came to her. She’s always had my back, and I’ve had hers.
That’s the kind of friends we are. It’s just that on this occasion, I feel so very foolish for the way I trusted Gage.
I’m normally so perceptive and careful. I should have spotted his deceit and lies from a mile away. But he had me wrapped around his finger so tightly I couldn’t see for shit.
I thought I knew him. I thought I loved him at one point but I was a fool.
Even now, I’m still trying to figure out where I went wrong.
Where did I make that left turn and allow him to blindside me?
“I’m not sure what to do about the rest.” The only money I have is what I put aside for my grandmother’s medical treatment.
I get an income from the restaurant, but it varies every month depending on how well we do. That was one reason I didn’t get the loan.
“I might have an idea for that, but I’m really not sure if it will work.”
“I’m open to anything at this point.” Beggars can’t be choosy.
“Great, because I was pre-approved for a loan of a hundred and forty thousand.”
“Oh, my God. What? You got a loan?” I don’t know how, but I stand. At first, I’m ecstatic that she would think to get a loan for me, but then my senses return, and I realize why she’s doing it, so I shake my head. “No, wait. I can’t let you do that.”
“Gwen, stop it. This is not up for discussion. I’m going to do it. The loan is pre-approved. As I have a full-time job at the marketing agency, I thought I’d apply and see what happens.”
Being self-employed without a steady income and my primary source of income being tied to my grandmother’s care was the other reason the bank turned me down.
“I just need a homeowner to stand guarantor before I can go on to the assessment stage.” Dru rubs her hands together. “You have the power of attorney over your grandmother, so that gives you access to this house. You would do the same thing if you’d gotten the loan from the bank, but we’re basically applying for the loan together.” She looks more hopeful than I feel.
“You’re acting like you owe me again.”
“And you’re acting like I don’t, when we both know I do.”
She holds my gaze, and pain fills her eyes. I don’t have to ask what she’s thinking about; I always know.