Page 116 of Hunter's Revenge
The thought of seeing them squeezes my insides and my stomach churns.
The queasy effect pushes me to my feet, and I take a deep breath. I take several more then set my notebook down on the little table.
It’s probably time for a proper break. I skipped breakfast earlier because I didn’t want to see anyone. I came straight in here, and Jeanne, bless her heart, brought me some coffee and a few biscuits.
I’m starting to feel lightheaded, so I think getting some real food into my system will make me feel better. It’s almost lunchtime anyway.
Sebastian lifts his head when I walk away and gets up, rushing to my side to join me. Having him here has been a huge help, although I know he’s aware something is wrong with me. He also knows we’re somewhere unfamiliar, and even though he’s taken to Malik, Sebastian knows I don’t trust him.
We head to the kitchen, where I hear voices and light-hearted laughter. One is coming from a child.
I recall Jeanne telling me her granddaughter would be spending the day.
I walk into the kitchen and find Jeanne with a darling little girl sitting at the high counter. She couldn’t be more than six or so and is so cute she’d make anyone want kids straightaway.
She has white-blonde hair, rosy cheeks, and crystal-blue eyes. The little pink dress she’s wearing makes her look like a doll. If I didn’t know better I’d swear she was.
“We were just coming to get you,” Jeanne says, picking up a pineapple from the stash of fruits on the side.
I force a smile. “Sorry, time got away from me.”
“That’s fine. I completely understand.”
“Thanks.” I glance at the little girl again and Jeanne’s face brightens with pride.
“This is Zoe, my granddaughter.” She points at the little girl, who gives me a radiant smile revealing missing front teeth, which makes her look even cuter. “Zoe, this is Mrs. Volkova.”
Hearing the name is like a punch to my gut. It pulls at the fabric of my reality because my brain doesn’t comprehend that name is me.
Shaking the feeling, I move closer to Zoe and put my hand out for her to shake. She takes it and gives it a little shake.
“Please call me Gwen.” I nod.
“Hello, Gwen. You’re very pretty.”
That makes me smile because I feel like shit run over on the highway several times. “Thank you. So are you.”
Zoe giggles then gasps when Sebastian pads over. “Oh my gosh, I love dogs.” She gets off the chair and strokes Sebastian.
“This is Sebastian.”
“Hello, Sebastian. You are so fluffy. My teddy at home would love you to death.”
Jeanne and I look at each other and laugh.
Laughing feels good and strange at the same time with the conflict riding my soul.
Just then, Kelly walks in from the other entrance, stealing the reprieve the laughter gave me. She’s wearing yoga pants, a baggy top, and her hair is up in a ponytail. It looks like she’s been working out or at a dance class. Jeanne told me Kelly teaches Ballet and contemporary dance in her spare time. Apparently she wants to open her own studio one day.
A touch of envy tugs at my insides at seeing her dressed this way as her attire displays the kind of athletic frame men like Malik like.
My body is more willowy, but I have curvy hips that get curvier and boobs that get bigger when I haven’t been exercising—which I haven’t done for weeks.
“Hello, everyone,” Kelly beams, looking at each of us.
“Hi.” I give her a tightlipped smile.
Zoe, on the other hand, leaves Sebastian and darts over to Kelly in a ball of excitement.