Page 185 of Hunter's Revenge
To say that my life has been a pile of shit since I lost Gwen is an understatement.
My mind is constantly stuck on all the memories I have of her and how much meaning she gave to my life. Everything I do now feels pointless.
I walk into my office at home and try to ignore the remnants of her that are still here.
It’s been four months, but I can still smell that scent of life Gwen left behind, and I can still feel her warm skin on my fingertips.
That was the last time I was in here.
I left for Russia the same night, so that little meeting where I broke up with my wife was the last I saw of her.
I’ve been away ever since, not wanting to be here or near anything that reminded me of her.
We’ve gone over the six-month mark now, so we’ve reached the time to get divorced.
Zakh is supposed to be coming by tomorrow with the paperwork and particulars from the lawyers.
When all is said and done, I’ll be heading back to Russia. I plan to stay there for a while and take care of the Volkova Inc. branch in Moscow. That office usually sees me once a year even though that’s the branch I take care of. Now I’ll be there fulltime.
No sooner have I set my bag down than Jeanne walks in with a tray of food.
It’s only her special sandwiches, but they smell divine and like coming home.
“Welcome back,” she greets me.
“Thank you.”
Her smile widens when she gets closer and sets the tray down on the coffee table. “Did you have a good flight?”
“As good as can be. How’ve you been?”
“Good.” She nods and smiles, but I can see it in her eyes that she’s sad that I’m not with Gwen anymore. “How long do I have you for?”
“About a week or two. Give or take. Maybe more, maybe less.”
Her smile falters. “Oh, okay, well, I’d better make the most of it.”
“You know I’m just on the end of the phone when I’m away.” I smile.
“It’s not the same.”
“I guess not. Is everyone else okay?” I hate that I’m secretly hoping she’ll tell me if she saw Gwen. I’m aware they’ve been in touch whenever Gwen has come to visit the store here. Dru mostly runs the store, while Gwen has been in Wilmington setting up the branch nearby in Charlotte.
“Everyone is good. Kelly and I went to the opening of Gwen’s store last week.” She searches my eyes. I try to remain guarded.
I’d heard the opening was soon, and I wanted to send flowers, but then I stopped myself. I also forgot the date on purpose.
“I’m sure it was great.”
“Would have been even better if you were there.”
I’m surprised by her bluntness. It’s unbecoming of her, but at the same time, her candor is fitting for the moment.
“I suppose so. How was she?”
“She was okay. She was happy to be opening her store, but I think she was hoping you’d be there.”
The knife already plunged into my heart twists. “Was she?”