Page 20 of Hunter's Revenge
She presses her lips together. “Let’s hope it works out. If it doesn’t, then the only thing you can do is speak to Conrad. Or worst case scenario the police. You’ll have to do it and hope there’s no repercussions. This is extortion, Gwen. It’s not legal, and it’s not right.”
“I know.” I blink back tears, remembering how Conrad held his gun to my head. I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to forget that.
“Try to be strong. Fingers crossed you get the money so this can be over.” She nods with conviction.
“Fingers crossed.” I drag in a deep breath and allow the crisp, salty air to soothe my mind. Mentally, I cross everything—my heart, my fingers and my toes—and pray to anyone who will listen for all the luck in the world to flow my way.
“In the meantime…” Mischief returns to her face and brightens her eyes. “It sounds like a certain hunk got you home safe and sound last night. That samehunkwalked and fed your dog. That’s bonus points. I’m just saying that might warrant some sort of thank-you, seeing as all you did was gawk at him this morning.”
I blow out a ragged breath. Trust her to bring the conversation back to my mystery man.
“It would also be nice if you had a name.” She chuckles.
“You’re right.”
“Of course, I’m right. If it were me, I’d want to see him on my own terms and talk.” She gives me a sassy shrug. “I’d hate to run into him in town or something and experience that awkwardness. He was at your house and took care of your dog. That means you have a pass to his place. It’s not like you don’t know where to find him. Just saying.”
It might not hurt, and it will be one less thing for me to feel bad about.
“Okay. I’ll see him if I finish up here early enough.”
She gasps and claps her hands with excitement. “Really? You’ll do it?”
“Yeah. If it will get you off my back.”
“Oh, please, this is my job as the best friend. If I don’t encourage you to do these things, who will? I should also inform you that last night happened because you have no sex.”
I’m surprised when I laugh. “Are you serious right now?”
“Yes, of course I am. You make all this sexy lingerie, yet you have no one to wear it for, which is your fault, by the way. I’m the marketing brains, and I see way more action than you.”
“I’m just being careful.”
“So careful you stripped and danced on the countertops of Duke’s Bar.”
“Hey, that’s not fair.”
“I actually think it’s hilarious. I can’t believe I missed it, but it ended well. Who knows? You really might have ended the drought.”
I shake my head at her.
She continues with her lighthearted humor, and we laugh while we work as if nothing else is going on and we’re just having a regular day. But I know she’s doing the best-friend thing again by distracting me and making sure I don’t fall into the chasm of worry.
The day wears on, and with Dru’s help, I’m able to get everything done quicker than I imagined.
I even get home at the reasonable hour of eight o’clock to undertake the task of visiting Mr. Handsome.
To make things more lighthearted as well as take the heat off me a little, I decide to take Sebastian, who is more than happy to go for a walk.
Night fell long ago, so the two of us walk under the moonlight and take the scenic sandy path to the beach.
My little dog has been in my life for over ten years. It was my grandfather who got him for me after my mother died. I was so distressed I shut down and hardly spoke to anyone, if at all. The grief was unbearable. It still is because my mother was my world.
I adored her to no end. She’s the reason and my inspiration for becoming a designer.
She inspired most of my earlier designs, and I even set up a line which is purely dedicated to her creations.
Although I saw her addictions and watched her change, she wasn’t the troublemaker Marybeth and all those two-faced bitches make her out to be.