Page 97 of Hunter's Revenge
I’ll make it up to her on my next visit. Whenever that will be.
With the tension eased from my mind, I decide to venture to the little icon Jean was talking about and learn about the Knights.
The icon stands out on the far right corner of the computer screen. When I click on it, I land on what looks like a library of everything I need to know about the Knights of the Brotherhood.
My body feels tight, my scalp tingles. I want to know more, but I'm wary.
Not enough to stop me though, because I need to know what I'm marrying into.
I click into the first file. It gives details about the organization.
I read through everything about the history, which draws me in straight away because it explains that the Knights were formed during the Viking age by a group of Norsemen warriors who were led by a man called Raventhorn. The Volkovas ancestor was one of those warriors. I would never have thought the organization was so old. Or that the family I’m marrying into was one of such importance.
The Bratva elements came from when the Knights moved to Russia after the war and saw the benefit in joining with other Bratva brotherhoods. So they created their own brotherhood—the Komarovski—and kept it as a separate body that would be run by the main structure and laws of the Knights. They have actual laws that govern everything they do and they even have schools and colleges, their heirs and those who ally with them can attend.
This database has made everything sound so normal.
While they haven’t tried to sugar coat anything, what they have recorded is far too mundane for people with serious wealth who live outside the laws and norms of society.
It’s difficult to conceive fitting into that, even for a few months. I feel like what I’m about to embark on is something I can’t unsee or unlearn when I reach the finish line.
I definitely wouldn’t have found all this on Google. And if I had, I might not live to tell the tale.
It’s interesting and fascinating and dangerous all at the same time.
I read on and on, as if I am studying for an exam. Soon night falls and my head is spinning but I continue reading.
Now I’m looking at the details on the Volkovas and their importance to the organization. There’s a lot because they run the Bratva, but what interests me most is who they are to the wider society.
Their company Volkova Inc. is a multi-billion-dollar company with branches worldwide.
Billionaires.That’s what the Volkovas are.
Of course, that has me wondering again about why Malik would be so hellbent on taking over the cartel. He was hardly interested in the pharmaceutical company. It was all about the cartel for him when he first started telling me about his plans.
The answer must just be greed.
When I finish looking at the information about Volkova Inc. I scroll down to the family tree and I recognize pictures of two of the men that were in the secret room upstairs.
Their names are Evgeni and Leif Volkova. They are as I guessed Malik’s father and his uncle.
The next branch of the tree shows his brothers and I see that Desmier is the brother with the most power in the Knights. He’s the second in command to the leader. He’s also Malik’s half-brother.
Malik had another brother called Viktor. That’s the one that died. There is no mention of how he died, just the date of death, which was over three years ago. He was also only a few months younger than Desmier.
Interesting.Did Malik’s father cheat, too?
Like mine?
I’m finding more similarities between us by the day, so it’s a strong possibility. Or perhaps I’m jumping to conclusions because of my own situation. Misery
often likes company.
Jeanne was elusive on purpose when she spoke about the Volkova family. It didn’t take a genius to figure out there were perhaps dark secrets she couldn’t speak about.
I’ve paused on the page that has a picture of the three remaining Volkova brothers. I stare at it focusing on the one I’m going to marry.
I stare and stare until the screen blurs and my eyes feel like they might fall out of my head, a sign my brain has taken in way too much.