Page 107 of Ruthless Sinner
“I’m fine. Just some family shit. Nothing to worry about.” God how I wish that were true.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” She gives me a coy smile and comes closer.
Her nearness tames the beast inside and I marvel at how she’s effortlessly able to do that.
“It’s fine. Nothing I can’t handle.” I nod.
Those deep green eyes stare up at me, the sunlight making the lighter parts even lighter. “Thank you for taking care of me last night. Or, rather this morning. I mean when I had that nightmare.” Although she gives me a little smile I can see she’s still affected by it.
“It’s okay. How are you feeling?”
“Better. I haven’t had a nightmare like that in several months. The last time was brought on by stressed. I guess that’s the answer again. My doctors told me that could happen.”
She looks like the slightest breeze could blow her away, so I guide her to sit on the stool across from us and she does. I remain standing but lean against the counter.
“I think it’s because my father is coming back and I know things are going to be different. I already have a message from Matthew at this hours of the day asking to meet for lunch. I don’t want to go.”
“You can’t go. I’m taking you to lunch.”
She gives me a real smile. “Are you?”
“Yeah.” I shouldn’t but since we have to end in a few days I’m taking advantage of whatever time I have left with her.
“That would be nice. It helps.”
“Tell him you’re busy.”
She nods. I want to tell her that she won’t have to worry about the likes of Matthew Bouchard but of course I don’t.
She might be the moon and I’m the spirit lover who got screwed over but there’s no fucking way I’m going to watch her get married to him.
I haven’t come up with a plan yet, but I will.
“I shouldn’t be this worked up. It’s just that my father is such a control freak. I was happy when I was away at college but being back and having to deal with him and my stepfamily has been awful.”
“It’s understandable.”
She looks at me hesitantly and her eyes well with tears but she holds them back.
“Things change on Saturday. I’ll be engaged. How will I keep seeing you?”
This is one of those moments when the opportunity to come clean arises and you should take it. But when I look at her and stare deep, deep into her gorgeous eyes, I can’t do it.
This woman has become my weakness in more than ways, so I do what I’ve been doing best and lie.
“We’ll find a way,” I say, pulling her into my arms, widening the hole I’ve been digging for myself.
It’s only a matter of time before I fall in.
Last night was the last of freedom. It’s seven in the morning now. I’ve just gotten back from Dante’s apartment. I would have normally gone to work straight from his place but we’re playing it safe.
Dad landed back in the Boston late last night, so I can’t roam around with Dante like I have been.
He said he would call me later to arrange when we could next see each other again. It was nice of him to say that. The other day, it was also sweet of him to tell me we’d find a way to see each other after Saturday.