Page 116 of Ruthless Sinner
But that’s what this is, isn’t it? I don’t know him.
I never did.
He holds up the phone and walks deeper into the room.
“I know you read my message, Serenity.” Even his voice sounds different. “I’m afraid I can’t allow you to leave.”
My legs wobble as if I’ve just started learning to walk. That feeling isn’t too far from my memory given my state last year.
“What do you mean?” It’s silly to try and pretend but I do. I don’t know what else I can say.
“You know what I mean.”
My eyes dart to the door. It’s wide open across from us, a path of escape.
Panic sends a jolt of adrenaline racing over my body. Without another thought, I rush to the door.
But I’m not fast enough. I swear Dante takes one step and then his arm is around my middle, hoisting me into the air.
It’s almost laughable. What made me think I could run away from a six foot six, mafia boss who looks like he eats people for breakfast.
Must be my crazy mind again.
I scream and he carries me over to the bed where I try to break free of his grasp.
“Let me go! You bastard.”
“I’m sorry, Printsessa. I can’t.” I detect some hint of emotion in his voice, but it’s barely there.
“I trusted you.”
He swipes his finger over my the back of my neck and something sharp pricks my skin. It feels like an ant bite.
When he blurs before me and my vision clouds I realize he drugged me.
I stare up at him in disbelief, suddenly remembering everything we shared.
It feels like having my life flash before my eyes. It’s happened before, but back then I wasn’t in love.
In love.
My mind struggles and my thoughts jumble, his face contorts and he looks sad.
“Dante, my… love?”
That’s all I get to say before I’m surrounded by darkness.
“Dante, my… love?”
Those softly spoke words echo through my mind as I stare down at Serenity’s still form in my arms.
Her eyes are sealed shut, her arms floppy unlike in ordinary sleep and her body limp.
While my heart has shattered from the disgrace of my actions, my soul has hidden away in shame.