Page 127 of Ruthless Sinner
The line is silent. So silent I think he’s hung up. But then I hear a quick intake of air.
“Okay…” he says with a long pause. “Alright, I’ll give you your space. Will you at least take Miko with you?”
“No. I don’t need a babysitter Dad. I’m not a child anymore.”
“I know you aren’t. But this guy is unstable. Those people will tell you all sorts of things to get to me.”
Those people?As if he’s not one of them.
And what sorts of things does he think Dante will tell me? The truth?
Sorry Dad I already know you’re a freaking member of the Russian mafia.
“He hasn’t told me anything about you at all.” I seem to be getting just as good as he is with the lies. That time there I sounded so confident even I believed me.
“Nevertheless, he’s dangerous.”
“He wouldn’t hurt me.” I don’t know why I say that with such confidence. As if I actually believe it. Perhaps it’s what I hope for. It’s not coming from the reassurance Dante gave me that he couldn’t kill me. It’s from something else I wanted to hold on to from how we were before this nightmare. Even if it’s not true.
“Did he tell you that?” Dad’s voice takes on a firm edge.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m not seeing him anymore, so you don’t have to worry.” If only he knew, our worries have only just began. “I have to go now, Dad. I’ll see you in a few days.”
“Okay. Serenity…”
“I almost lost you.” His voice is soft and gentle. Two things I’m not used to from him. “Last year I almost lost you. Losing your mother broke me. I worry I’ll lose you, too. That’s why I act the way I do. I just wanted to see you because I’ve been away for two weeks and I’ve come back to chaos. But… you do your work and have your space. I’ll see you in a few days.”
His words grip me. I can’t remember the last time my father spoke to me with such heartfelt words. And yet he’s like Jekyll and Hyde. Talking to me one way when he’s really another.
“That means a lot. I don’t want to lose you, too.” I mean it, but I know I’ve already lost him. “Speak to you in a few days.”
He hangs up and I allow my hand to drop to my side, still gripping the phone.
Borya steps forward reminding me he’s still here and puts his hand out to take the phone.
He flicks his fingers, beckoning me to hand it to him. I do.“Come on, give it to me.”
The moment he has it, he walks out and locks the door. Following whatever orders Dante has given him.
When I met him he gave me his name, told me to make the calls and a warning to make sure I only say what I need to.
Now I’m alone again, left to think and wallow in my grief.
I stare out the window at the bright sky mingling with the buildings. Everything looks so alive and it seems like it’s a great day.
The vibrant sight annoys me as badly as someone trying to tell a joke at a funeral. Everything in my life has literally gone to shit and I’m stuck here in the bedroom of the devil I fell for.
What the hell will happen now?
The people who could try to save me believe I’m safe and I’ve just been in this room perishing with worry.
At least I was given food and water a few hours ago by Fern, Dante’s maid. I’d seen her once before when he brought me here. She only speaks Russian so we had minimal conversation.
When she saw me today, she looked embarrassed and didn’t say anything. I kept my silence, too and watched her deliver the food, then leave, locking the fucking door again. This is all such crazy bull shit I never saw coming.