Page 130 of Ruthless Sinner
And him. I hate him for making me feel for him.
When he tightens his grip on my arm I try to slap him again, but it doesn’t work. Dante lifts me in one move, like he did before. Then we’re on the bed with him on top of me pinning me down. He’s got me in some lock with my arms above my head, held by one hand, while he presses me down with the other.
I’m kicking my legs to try to get him off me but he has me locked down.
“Get off me.”
“No. See what defiance feels like, Printsessa?” He sneers and lowers to face, getting close. Too close. So close we’re sharing the same air. “A word of advice; stop defying me. You’ll only make things worse. Believe me, I won’t hesitate to tie you up with ropethis timeand spank your tight little pussy until I’m sure you’re ready to obey me.”
I stare back at him wide eyed, praying he won’t do that to me. “Let me go, Dante. Just let me go.”
He stares back at me for a few moments then presses his forehead to mine. I hate that I love the feel of his skin on me and the scent of him so close.
The nudge of his huge cock into my belly tells me he wants me. He still wants me. When he lifts his head and I stare back into his eyes, I see that he does.
He might have kept his dark secrets from me, but I could always look at him and see inside to know he wanted me.
“If only.” He breathes, his hot breath caressing my skin the way he used to touch me. “That’s always been the problem between us. I can’t let you go, even when I should have.”
Dante gets off me, releasing my hands but still pinning me to the bed with his gaze and the ghost of his words.
I see the same longing in his eyes that I feel, then he breaks the stare and switches off the light.
He lays next to me, turning onto his side so his back is to me. I glance at him watching the rise and fall of his back in the moonlight as a newpossibleidea works it way into my mind.
Dante does still want me. He practically said it.
Is that something I could use to my advantage?
Could I?
At this point, I’m so desperate I’m willing to try anything.
“What’s going on today, boss?” Borya asks as he walks into the kitchen.
Levka comes in after him. The two are opposites of each other. While Borya looks like a giant who could eat you alive, Levka is shorter and thinner. But either of them could wipe you out in a heartbeat. They’re the best in the Bratva and have served my family for the last twenty five years.
I lean into the counter and sigh. Yesterday was intense. Today will the same, so I need to my head screwed on. We didn’t find anything out about Roland, but we ran into some unsavory characters we had to take care of.
The only information we got was that Roland hadn’t been in the area for about two weeks and we were able to find some extra places to add to our list.
“Today will be pretty much the same as yesterday,” I tell them, taking a sip of my coffee.
They glance at each other, meaning they’ve been talking about something that’s troubling them. Which is most likely about Serenity.
“What?” I look from one to the other, gearing up for their response.
“The girl,” Borya states with raised brows. “Dante what are you doing, man?”
I release a heavy sigh and shake my head. “Leave her to me.” I sound as if I know what I’m doing. Nothing is further from the truth. I still don’t have a fucking plan when it comes to her.
“She’s Jason’s daughter, Dante,” Levka says in a reflective tone. The tone he uses when he wants to talk sense into me without sounding like he’s preaching. “That creates one hell of a problem, which I’m sure you’re aware of. It’s just that the more days go by the bigger the problem.”
I nod. “I know. I’m just hoping we get what we need in the time we have.”