Page 134 of Ruthless Sinner
I listen until I hear the front door slam before I release the breath I’m holding.
Did I seriously just lose Virgo?
I never even gave Serenity an answer for him to get that worked up.
But in all honesty I didn’t need to. What I said was enough for him to fly off the handle, so he was right to be furious and most of what he said was true.
I’ve never experienced this level of conflict before, or been in a situation where I didn’t know what to do.
He’s right about my decision being easy. It should be, but it’s not.
I keep saying it’s complicated but it was me who made it so. I fucked things up right from the moment my eyes locked with Serenity Bell’s as she looked at me in the club.
Things were fucked left, right and center from that time because that was the moment I knew I wanted her to be mine. Everything spiraled out of control from there. Now we’re here. The point at which she’s offering herself to me in exchange for her father’s life.
The logical part of me will tell me to turn her down. An eye for an eye, blood for blood.
But the part of me that wants her back is considering the offer and telling me accepting will make things easier if she promises to keep her silence and play the game. It’s screaming at me to accept because I’m ninety percent sure I’m not going to figure things out where Jason is concerned within the next day. Then people will know she’s in trouble. The whole New York thing happened by chance. I got lucky.
So what do I do?
The memory of having her is already telling me what I want to do, and need and want feel like the same things when it comes to Serenity Bell.
I wait for Dante again for the entire day, waiting for an answer.
The day passes and he doesn’t come home. If he does it’s during the early hours of the morning when I’m asleep. I drifted off at about two when I lost the war with my body to stay awake.
The next the I do the same thing—sit and wait.
Today I was able to speak to Harper so that helped. We spoke for two hours and I pretended I was in New York.
Thank God I’ve been there several times before so lying came easy. Guilt did not. I hate lies of any kind when it comes to her, but this was necessary.
At ten I start to panic because it looks like Dante isn’t going to come back again. Tonight is supposed to be my last in New York and I’m supposed to be on my way back home tomorrow.
God, I’ve even agreed to go to dinner tomorrow night with Dad.
What will I do tomorrow night if I’m still here?
Maybe the phone will be taken away from me for good. Or… maybe Dante will go back on his word of not killing me.
Maybe he will kill me. That’s what they do to people in the movies who see and hear too much.
That guy yesterday looked at me as if he wanted me dead. I asked Borya who he was but I wasn’t given an answer. I assumed he must have been Dante’s friend because of the way they were arguing.
I went up the stairs as far as I could go without being seen. I couldn’t hear everything they said but I could tell the argument was definitely about me.
I’ve assumed my post by the window bay once again. I don’t know if I should hope that Dante comes back or that he doesn’t.
I feel like a slut for offering myself to him. A cheap slut you turn down.
That’s what he did, right? Turn me down gently.