Page 145 of Ruthless Sinner
So much has happened in that time span and I was away from everyone for the bulk of it.
“Not a day has gone by that I don’t think about her and wonder what I could have done to stop whatever happened to her and her parents,” he adds.
“I’m so sorry.” Saying sorry doesn’t sound like it’s enough, but it’s all I can offer.
“Have you spoken with Cillian?”
“Once or twice. Obviously he’s looking for them but I think, despite our differences, we’ve both accepted that it’s a rare thing in our world to disappear for so long and get found alive.” His face pales turning a ghostly shade. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look like that before. “I can’t stop looking until I find something one way or the other.” He nods as if he’s trying to convince himself.
I nod too. “I’ll help you.”
“I know you will, Dante.” He offers a gentle smile. “But you have your own problems to worry about which brings me to the other reason I’m here. To apologize.”
“You apologize?” I make my tone purposely light to ease the tension.
He smirks. “It looks like hell must have freezed over, so yeah, I’m apologizing.
It wasn’t my place to tell you what to do or feel for Serenity Bell. If anyone should have known what you were going through, it’s me. I guess I was worried it would end in a disaster. Like me.”
I understand him a lot better now but he was never wrong about Serenity and me. And he’s still not wrong to worry about us ending in disaster.
“We’re not at the end yet.” When I think of the future everything looks bleak and I can’t see past the fog of darkness surrounding my mind. “None of us can keep on like this forever. There’s just too much shit to deal with.”
“Maybe so, but you’re in love with her.” The confidence in his words surprises me and throws me off kilter.
My lips part to deny it and tell him not to make such an absurd remark, because of course I’m not in love, but…I am, so I press my lips shut.
“It’s complicated.” I find my voice once the realization sinks in.
“Then un-complicate it. If she’s who you want, fight for her. Even if you have to fight yourself.” He stands, but I’m still staring at him. “See you in the morning. I’ll be on the streets with guys tomorrow.”
I nod, appreciating his help. “Thank you.”
“Thank me when we take down this son of a bitch.”
He leaves and I stare at the empty trail he left behind.
Virgo knew I was in love with Serenity before I did.
His advice is to fight. Fight myself if I have to. He knows me all too well, so knew I would be my biggest enemy. I’ve believed I could have love.
The kind of love my parents had. Father wasn’t even with anyone else after my mother died. That kind of love is rare.
After everything Serenity and I have been through and are still going through, I’m not sure that could ever apply to us.
But believing I could have the choice to fight, tempts me to want it.
As I stir from a languid dream, a warm hand traces over my back.
I open my eyes and I’m met with the sight of the cascade of tattoos inked on the Russian god’s chest.