Page 30 of Ruthless Sinner
“A contract between our company and the Japanese government to take over their biggest steel production manufacturer.”
“That’s really good.”Impressive, Jason, very impressive indeed.
The opportunity is extraordinary, but the great thing about being a world class giant like us is you will always find a way to open doors. It might not be with the Japanese government or any other, but there’s always a way. Nevertheless, the Creed are going to love that.
“It’s more thangood. And that is the power of Governor Jason Bell.” Igor gives me a firm nod, as if what he’s saying is the gospel. “In a few days, Jason and I will be flying to Japan for two weeks. We’ll sign further contracts, meet whoever we need to meet, and the biggest business venture our company has ever known will beours, boy. The Levitskys. This is the perfect thing to put us back on track after your father’s death and the bad publicity the company received from what happened to him. Your father would have wanted me to do everything in my power to put us back where we used to be. And better. That’s why I need you by my side, Dante. We must be united as leaders.”
Seeing that any further argument will be fruitless, I simply nod. “Alright, Uncle. I am by your side.”
All this conversation has proved to me is that I was right. With such an opportunity on the horizon, Jason’s crimes against mewouldn’t be a strong enough reason for my uncle to punish him. But now I have a time scale.
Two weeks.
Maybe I’ll have what I need on Jason to expose his secrets and end him when he returns from Japan.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Academy Award for the world's most pretentious prick goes to Matthew Bouchard, a.k.a. Mr. Love himself.” Harper puts on her best presenter voice. "Your father can't be serious about this guy."
She's just spent the last twenty minutes on Google pulling up all the scandalous details she could find on Matthew Bouchard.
Of course, she knew straight away who he was the moment I breathed out his name. With the amount of information that’s apparently out there on him, Harper was surprised I didn't know him.
Apparently, my father has chosen Boston's male version of the Kardashians for me to consider as my future husband.
"My father is very serious." I frown, flopping onto the bed.
The dreaded family dinner is tonight. I’m really not looking forward to it.
Wednesday came far too quickly. It seemed like I blinked, and today was upon me with the question of what I was going to do once the sun went down. Harper decided to come and save me from myself a few hours ago. Now I have two hours before I have to be there.
"Just when I thought he couldn't get any worse." She swivels around in the chair and stares at me with wide eyes. “Okay, is this the part where we change your name, get fake passports, and flee the country? ‘Cos I know a guy.”
“Harper, this isn’tOne Tree Hill.” Growing up that was her favorite t.v show. Whenever we had a problem, it wasn’t uncommon for her to come up with some bizarre craziness she’d seen on there to try and fix real life situations.
“That never happened inOne Tree Hill. I watched every single episode.” She smirks.
“Ugh. I don’t care. It sounds like something they would do.”
“Sometimes, you have to have a crazy plan to counter shit when it happens. Like now.”
I put a hand to my head and roll my eyes at her. "Please don't make this worse, Harper."
"Are you kidding?” She gives me a deadpan expression. “You're tellingmenot to make this worse? You’re the one sitting there with a chance to go to Club X and see a guy you're actually interested in, instead of going to some family dinner you know will be a disaster."
"There’s no choice. It's not a matter of going to the club or going to the family dinner. Ihaveto be at that dinner. You know what my father is like. If I'm not there, it will be so, so much worse for me."
She sets her hands down on the desk. “Sure, we all know what your father is like, but, girl, at some point, you're going to have to woman up and stop thinking about whatdaddywants you to do.”
Don’t I know it."It’s not that I don’t want to. It's just hard. I can't exactly stand up to him when he’s paying for everything. I have nothing to truly call my own.”
Understanding forms in her eyes. Harper got her inheritance from her grandparents when she was twenty-one, along with the trust fund they set up for her, so she has her own money.
I received a small inheritance after Mom died, but Dad put it in my trust fund, which I get when I’m twenty-five. Before the accident, I wanted to work just so I’d have my own money, but that obviously never happened. I have some savings, but nothing to save me if I declare an uprising on my father.
“Okay, I get it. And of course, you’re right to tread softly.” She nods. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t at least consider going to the club after the dinner.”