Page 79 of Ruthless Sinner
There's plenty of space in the building that we could have had two separate offices, but we both liked this one for that view. I never saw it as a problem because Virgo is like a brother to me and like the brother I never had. Growing up we shared practically everything. This felt no different.
Hearing my footsteps, he faces me and I can tell straightaway from his worried expression that something’s wrong.
“Hey bro, what’s going on?” I ask.
The worry on his face deepens. “I decrypted the encryption I found in Jason’s email account, but it led me to a set of blank emails.”
“Blank emails?”What the hell?“Why would you need to encrypt blank emails?”
“I don’t think they were blank at the time of receipt.” He bites on his bottom lip.
“So the content of the message just disappeared?” This is news to me.
He nods. “Yeah. It’s an extra layer of protection. I’ve heard of the technique a few times in the underground, but this is the first time I’ve come across it. We don’t know what was in those messages but my gut tells me they were about you. I also think they were from someone other than the person who took the pictures of you. I was able to get into their emails, but not these.”
This is quite a worry. “What now, Virgo? Looks like we’ve come to a dead end.”
He sighs and holds his palms out. “We have, but I’m gonna keep going. I have an idea I want to check to reveal what was in those messages. Nothing is ever lost in the web. You just have to try and find a way to get it back.”
“Do you think you can do that?”
He smirks. “If I can’t at least try, then all my years at MIT count for shit.”
I smile at that.
“Thank you.” I can’t stop thanking him. More and more I’m seeing this problem with Jason is probably bigger than I realized.
“No worries.”
“What do think this is Virgo?”
“As no one in the Creed uses this type of tech, I’m left to assume he’s working for someone on the outside. But I don’t know. When you think of it, it’s perfect really. Jason Bell makes the very best spy and an even better puppet.” He thinks for a moment. “But it still doesn’t explain why he set you up. I’ve been thinking about what you were doing at the time.”
“It was just Bratva stuff for my father and Igor. We were also negotiating with the Voirik Bratva in L.A. That’s all I was doing.”
“Maybe it was something to do with that. But that doesn’t make sense.” He lifts his shoulders and leans against the wall. “Igor still went ahead and signed contracts with the Voirik.”
“Maybe it was something specifically about you doing it.”
“Perhaps.” But that doesn’t make sense either. “Maybe that part doesn’t matter right now. I’m keen to see what was in those emails. If you can really get into them we’ll hopefully know what to do next.”
He nods. “Alright. I’ll focus on that.”
“Dante…” His voice takes that cautionary tone he’s been using when referring to Serenity, so I know we’re about to talk about her.
“Serenity.” I was right. His gaze hardens. “You know I never advise you when it comes to women. I always think it’s not my place, but fuck man, on this occasion I can’t keep my mouth shut. I know you’ve been with her. I was looking over the security footage for last night and I saw you kissing her in the parking lot. Then she got in your car and the two of you drove away. Thought the fascination was supposedly over.”
Now what do I say to that? How do I explain my actions other than that I was thinking with my dick.
Virgo is already looking at me as if I've lost my mind and quite frankly, I can't honestly say that I haven't.
“It’s complicated,” I begin.
“Complicated, Dante?” He shakes his head. “Complicated is doing the accounts when the numbers don't balance out. Complicated is trying to figure out what Jason Bell is really up to. This thing going on with you two is not complicated. It should be a fucking no brainer.”