Page 8 of Ruthless Sinner
The asshole shuffles, and I thank God when my leg comes free. I take advantage of the chance to slam my heel into his foot, stunning him.
He shouts from the impact, and I think he’s going to let me go, but he doesn’t.
Instead, he snarls like a wild beast, and before I know it, the back of his hand connects with my cheek.
The blow is so hard I scream and fall to the ground. Tears sting my eyes and my vision blurs, but I can see him balling his hand into a fist to hit me again.
He raises his hand, and I prepare for the blow which I know will hurt more than the last, but the punch doesn’t come.
Suddenly, the handsome stranger I was admiring on the balcony appears like some dark avenging angel, his face a mask of fury.
Without hesitation, he slams his fist into my aggressor's jaw, sending him sprawling to the floor.
My heart is in my throat as I watch the asshole scrambling back to his feet so he can lunge at my rescuer. But once again, he doesn’t get the chance.
One solid right hook from a large, tattooed fist sends him back to the floor with a heavy thud that feels like it shook the entire building.
Seconds later, three guards rush through the door, one holding a gun. Then, from behind me, I hear Harper calling my name. I look around to see her running down the path I came.
When I turn back to face the man who saved me, I find him already staring at me with rich, deep blue eyes that remind me of the Mediterranean Sea.
I’m surprised to find that even in my state of angst, I’m crazily thinking that he’s even more gorgeous up close.
He crouches down at my side, and my breath hitches.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his deep voice carrying a slight accent.
“Yes.” I can barely get the word out. My voice is shaking, but so is the rest of me, and my face feels like it’s broken. It throbs like I’ve just been hit by a truck.
The moment breaks when Harper reaches us and rushes to my other side, taking my hand.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry I left you.” The words tumble out of her mouth in a panicked frenzy. “Are you hurt?”
“My…face,” I stutter.
A shiver races through me when my handsome stranger pushes to his feet and glares at my attacker with a morbid sort of darkness that makes my skin crawl.
“You two.” He fixes his gaze on the tallest guards who have the same sort of tattoos as him. They’re the closest to my attacker. "Deal with this piece of shit and report back to me.”
The guards nod and seize the asshole, who can hardly stand.
They haul him away, then my handsome stranger looks at the remaining guards and says something in what I think is Russian, but I don’t understand it.
“See that they get home safely.” He glances at me again. It seems like he spoke in English that time for my benefit.
Harper fusses over me, and the guards step forward, helping me to stand.
My handsome stranger walks away without another word as I stare after him.
Our eyes meet once more before he turns the corner, and I find myself wishing for our paths to cross again.
The order to make sure we got home safely came equipped with a visit to the first-aid room, which looked like a little boutique dressing room. There I saw a medic who checked me over to make sure I was okay.
When he was satisfied that I was, Harper and I were escorted to a chauffeur-driven Maybach, which took me home.