Page 6 of Taught By the Dragon
Dr. Sid’s lips thinned before she replied, “I know. But we’ll just have to see what we can do.” Her pupils flashed to slits and back. “And maybe once we find a way to stop the dragon hunters for good, we can finally focus more on the clan and our relations with the humans, to stop something like this from happening again. It’d be bloody nice to not always fight, recover, and fight some more, in an endless cycle.”
They’d made great progress over the last four or so years, starting with the human sacrifice named Melanie Hall and to even Ivy Passmore, a former dragon enemy who had ended up mating with a dragon-shifter. “Thanks, Dr. Sid. If you have to leave, then I need to call another female over to sit with me. I won’t risk being alone with her this early.”
Sid raised her brows. “How about Melanie and Tristan, and maybe even your daughter? Tristan knows how to handle young or untrained dragons, and if there were ever two females who could make someone feel safe or be nonthreatening, it would be Melanie and Violet.”
Melanie Hall was strong but kind and had a knack for getting along with nearly everyone. Provided her mate came, the pair would help in the worst-case scenario. And Violet could charm the spots off a leopard, if she tried hard enough.
Although the protective father side of him growled at the idea of exposing Violet to potential danger or even just to the harsh reality of Percy’s past.
His dragon spoke up.Our daughter’s fifteen, on her way to being an adult. She’s also shown an interest in becoming a doctor and would love this chance to watch Sid or the nurses work with Percy.
It’s still dangerous.
If we have to stick around long term, Violet will find a way to visit anyway.
His dragon was right—Violet often didn’t like being told no and found a way to assuage her curiosity.
It was still dangerous, though.
His dragon sighed.Tristan will also be here, and we can probably ask for a female nurse to stop by regularly to check for signs that her dragon might be coming out. Between that, us, and the doctors, no one will allow Violet to get hurt.
Still, I wish we could have Nikki or even Diana.
Both were trained Protectors. And even if Diana was younger, not long back from her time with the British Army, she had training and experience his daughter didn’t.
His beast grunted.Both of them are still dealing with the criminal prisoners. Until the DDA takes them, they have to watch them closely and protect the clan.
Accepting the inevitable, Bronx eyed the dragon doctor. “I know you’re busy, but can someone check on Percy at fixed intervals, just to make sure her dragon won’t take charge and lash out?”
She replied, “Of course. I’d planned to do that anyway. I would never risk any of the clan members, Bronx, and you should bloody well know that.”
He resisted a wince at Dr. Sid’s glare. He put up a hand. “I’m sorry, Sid. But you have a mate and son, and I bet you’re just as protective of them.”
“Yes, you’re right.” She shook her head. “At any rate, will you see if Melanie, Tristan, and Violet will help you? I’d suggest some of the children, like Daisy, but she’s currently on holiday with her mum and stepdad.”
Daisy Chadwick was a human child who had the ability to make anyone smile. Although Bronx thought his daughter was nearly as good.
His dragon said,Violet always wants to spend more time with us. Ever since the accident, you’ve been keeping her at more of a distance.
Only at the beginning, as I didn’t want her to see my leg.
His beast grunted.More than that. Let her in, let her help, and you can protect her, if need be. You know how she wants to be a doctor, so this might be good practice at seeing that not all of medicine is easy.
Dr. Sid had previously offered to allow Violet to observe her, but Bronx had wanted to protect his daughter for as long as possible. Although since she was fifteen now, he doubted he could think of her as a little girl much longer.
And he bloody well hated admitting his daughter was nearly a grown female.
He finally sighed. “All right, I will. But if Percy so much as growls at them, I’m kicking them out of the room.”
“Fair enough.” Dr. Sid picked up her bag. “Call them and stand guard outside Percy’s door until they arrive. I need to move on to the next patient and can’t linger. I’m not about to let Gregor boast about seeing more patients than me today.”
She smiled and exited the room. Dr. Gregor Innes was her mate, and even though Dr. Sid hadn’t meant anything by the remark, it reminded him of when he’d had a mate and how they’d just started to have a loving, teasing relationship when Edith was taken away from him.
Before his dragon could growl, he took out his mobile and texted his daughter and then Melanie and Tristan. All replied that they would come, although Tristan said at the first sign of trouble, he would whisk Melanie away. Zain also said he’d be there soon, to discuss their plan to talk to Percy, once she was ready.
Putting away his phone, he went to stand in front of Percy’s door. His gut said this was the right thing to do, and yet he couldn’t help but worry if he should keep Percy isolated until they determined the state of her dragon.
His inner beast spoke up.I’ll keep a close watch. I would never let anything happen to Violet.