Page 46 of He Loves Me Not
I’m sitting in a chair away from the group of people he calls friends. Tyler is sitting next to a group of girls from the cheerleading team. The only ones missing are Jen and Nicole. Abby is watching Tyler and her brother with the girls, and is trying not to glance at Tyler.
Ky is sitting sandwiched by two brunettes who are eyeing him like a prime steak, smiling at something condescending he must be saying because Ky doesn’t smile when he talks to them. He looks disinterested in anything they have to say, but he keeps his arms around them. He keeps them close and probably decides which one he will fuck—if not both of them—before the night is over.
He doesn’t stare at me like he did at the gym. It is like I’m not even here, but that is okay. My body is here sitting in a chair at his house, but my mind is counting the days until graduation. The days until I can leave everything and everyone behind. All the memories will look like the pile in Ky’s backyard. Burned to ashes, forgotten like a pile of dirt. It is funny how he is worried about me stealing from him. Maybe that is why he never invited me inside all those years ago. I looked like a homeless kid from the street.
“Oh my God, Abby I would love to say you nailed that routine at the game, but I don’t know…there was something off.” One of the girls says to Abby, giving her a smile that screams fake bitch.
They are putting her shit out there so they can get Tyler’s attention to point out that Abby sucks because she is prettier and has a way better personality than these skanks.
“What do you think, Tyler? “the blonde one next to her asks.
He grimaces, and Abby’s face falls with a frown. My eyes land on the blonde talking shit.
Chris gets up and turns on the music, probably trying to help his sister out with the topic of conversation. I really hate those girls. Chris glances over at me, and something passes over his face. I think he feels bad that I’m sitting outside.
It’s okay, Chris. I am the outsider.
He holds out his phone in my direction. “You want to pick something to dance to, Rubiana?”
“I don’t think she can dance or knows how, Chris,” one of the brunettes sitting next to Ky adds.
I roll my eyes and take his phone. I open to see a music app that basically has everything if you just enter the name of the song or artist. My eyes lift to Chris because I wish I had this.
“Play anything you want. Let’s see what you got,” he says playfully.
“You think you can keep up?” I ask in challenge.
He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m no expert, but I can definitely keep up.”
“I doubt if she knows how, Chris. You can sit down, Rubiana. Don’t embarrass yourself,” Ky says sarcastically from his seat.
He is challenging me, and at the same time giving me the coward’s way out and sitting back down.
“Let’s see what you got, Chris. I’ll go easy on you.”
He chuckles, but he blushes. He is nervous.
“Do you know how to dance reggaeton?”
“No, but I can keep up,” he assures me.
Abby smiles when I give her brother a grin and hand him his phone back. All eyes are on us in the center of the patio with the fan’s cooling the area from the afternoon heat. It isn’t stifling, but dancing while wearing a hoodie is not the best idea, but I can’t take it off. It is my security blanket, and I have the tattoo situation I’m trying to hide.
The song I chose, “Tití Me Preguntó” by Bad Bunny, begins to play, and I start to move side to side and grind my body against Chris and have him follow my steps. His mouth drops open like a fish. His eyes go wide when I place his hands on my hips as I begin to move to the fast beat closer to him. I turn and grind my hips and bend my knees so my butt brushes up against him, and when his hands slide lower, I see him fall to the side like a domino.
My mind is trying to catch up with what just happened. Chris is on the floor trying to get up, and is getting in Ky’s face.
“Oh, shit!” Abby says with a shriek.
Tyler shoves himself between them. “What’s up, brother? What the fuck is wrong with you, Ky?”
I step back as Chris gets up, adjusting his clothes. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Ky? Have you lost your fucking mind?”
My eyes flick to Ky, and his expression is angry, like he wants to commit murder. He is trying to push Tyler out of the way, but Tyler is all up in his face. Ky’s nose flares. His hands are in tight fists. “What the fuck are you doing, Chris? Is that how you want your boys to treat Abby? What are you teaching your sister, huh? Rubiana may be the type, but she isn’t.”
“I think your outta line, Ky? Watch how you talk about, Rubiana,” Tyler growls.
I’m grateful Tyler is sticking up for me. He doesn’t have to defend my honor. Of course, that is the reason he pushed Chris to the floor. I’m trash in Ky’s eyes.