Page 48 of He Loves Me Not
I turn around and I place my hands up so they can all see that it’s okay. “I got it,” I shout back.
I walk up to the guys who are making no attempt to hide the fact that they are strapped with handguns.
“Hey, little princess. I think you should listen to your boyfriend,” the one with the blue shirt and the cross tattoo under his eye says.
“She fine, though,” the other to his right says and wipes his mouth as he leans back on the car.
“Si, esta bonita,”the one standing in front of Cesar’s car.
“I’m not here to talk to any of you. I came to talk to him.” I point as Cesar spots me through the windshield of the Challenger he is sitting in.
His face breaks into a friendly smile as he gets out of the driver’s side.
“Mi nena preciosa,” Cesar says, greeting me.
My eyes look at his handsome face with his faded haircut and tattoos all over his arms and neck.
“Hey, handsome.”
“I see you can’t let the hoodies go. Remember what I said, you’re beautiful inside and out. That your half-brother who just came to see me?”
“How did you know that?” I ask.
I’m not surprised. Cesar knows everything, but he doesn’t answer me. So I ask another question. “What is it that they are trying to buy? Why did you take their money?”
He smiles and comes up to me, pushing my hoodie off my head in front of the lights of his car. I can see his face clearly, and he can see mine now as his eyes look over the features of my face.
“I don’t want that stuff around you. It’s weed, Molly’s, and Addy’s. It is the crap your half-brother’s friends pay premium for, apparently. They all do it. Except your half-brother and the guy sitting next to him in his truck. Thatcabrónhas a little temper, but he isn’t a drug user. Dabbles in a little weed and drinks, but that’s about it.”
“He can fight, though,” the guy to his right says.
“Yeah, that fool is no joke. He can fuck a guy up. He’s a little crazy upstairs in the head, if you know what I mean. I saw it with my own eyes,” the one with the blue shirt adds.
Cesar smiles and places a kiss on my forehead. “I miss you, princess. Are you staying out of trouble?”
I nod. “I’m trying. People don’t like me there. I’m scum from the foster system trying to rain on their parade.”
He smiles and sucks his teeth. “They are just jealous you don’t need fancy clothes and a fancy upbringing to be beautiful. “
I smile shyly. “You were always a smooth talker, Cesar.”
“What can I say, it’s what you love about me the most.”
I look down at my sneakers. “Will you at least give them their money back?” I look up at his handsome face as he caresses my cheek. “I don’t take drugs. You know why, but it looks like they have some sort of agreement.”
The light in his eyes leaves and he pinches in eyebrows in confusion. “They told you that.”
“Not exactly.”
He looks up at Tyler’s truck for a second like he is thinking. Deciding. His gaze lands on mine and he grins. “The one sitting in the passenger seat is looking at me like he wants to kill me. The fighter. Is he your boyfriend?”
I giggle. “I don’t have a boyfriend. No one would want to sleep next to a monster.”
His jaw clenches and he glares at Tyler’s truck. “He said something to you, princess?”
I shake my head telling him no. I would never tell him what they do to me at school. The way they make fun of me or call me names. The stupid pranks they pull because if he knew and got involved, they would take him to jail after he was done with them.
“No, you know I wouldn’t put myself out there like that. I would never let them see. I’m not wanted, remember?”