Page 60 of He Loves Me Not
“Oh, I thought Tyler would have invited you to go since he is taking someone.”
Her eyes go flat for a second, and she looks down at her shoes. I feel bad for her, but I have to tell her the truth.
“Nope. He never mentioned it. He probably didn’t want me to be the third wheel. Why, are you going?”
I hate pointing that out to her, but it is most likely the reason he never mentioned anything, and besides, I don’t have money. My thoughts go to Ky, wondering if he is going and if he is, then with who. But I push those thoughts down because he hasn’t made an appearance. Abby is clearly disappointed that Tyler is taking someone else and not her, that much is obvious. I get it.
She looks up and she smiles, brushing it off. “Anyway, Chris always takes me, but this year Noah asked me to go with him. Chris has to go along or I can’t go, though. I didn’t want Chris to tag along. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with us. It would be so much fun, and don’t worry, it will be our treat.”
Good for her. She is taking my advice in not being hung up on Tyler and ignoring him by going with Noah. If I agree to go, it means I’ll be accompanying her brother Chris, but I wonder what Tyler and Ky would think about me going along with Chris. I have my suspicion that Chris sent Abby to ask me to go on a double date.
Despite being an adult, I’m still on probation until I finish school, so I have to be back before curfew. However, I can’t help but think about Ky’s previous reaction when Chris danced with me at his house. Although, he criticized my dancing and said it was a bad influence on Abby, Ky doesn’t have any real interest in me, so it shouldn’t matter to him. He has sex with other girls and has no reason to get upset. It’s not like I belong to him.
I return her smile and accept. “Okay. I’ll come along.”
She beams. “Yes,” she says, emphasizing the S. “I promise. It will be so much fun. We will be around to pick you up at six.”
I check my reflection in the mirror and make sure I look okay. I don’t know why, but I apply some lip gloss I had stashed away in my things. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not excited to go, because I am. It is something else I can file away that I have done.
I’m wearing the same jeans Abby gifted me. She told me she didn’t need them when she lent them to me the day I went to the football game, and the bonus was that they were brand new. I turn to the side to make sure the red long-sleeve shirt doesn’t ride up my back, exposing my scars. It is a bit too small, but was one of the nicest things that were in one the boxes of donated clothes they give to foster kids, but I didn’t want to wear a hoodie. Not tonight.
I jolt, placing my hand over my chest when Hope jumps up on the dresser, purring while he gets in a sitting position. He cocks his head to the side wanting a rub and likes to be petted on his neck. I saw Ky doing it the day he snuck in my room. I reach out with my hand and pet him the same way I saw Ky do it before he climbed out my window that Sunday morning.
“I know, buddy. I miss him, too,” I say softly.
There is no logical reason for me to want Ky to continue to be in my life after the way he has treated me. I guess the few moments when I looked into his eyes, black as midnight, and he kissed me, it was like we were transported back in time when we were kids. And now that we are older, we are just picking up where we left off. But then his caustic words would douse the fire he created, leaving me cold and confused. Making me want more.
Knock. Knock.
I sigh and turn toward the door when I hear Caroline’s voice. “Rubiana, Abby and Chris are here.”
Tyler left an hour ago. I didn’t tell him that Abby invited me to go with Chris and Noah. He acted like nothing was amiss, and it was just another day going to the school. I walk over and open the door to see Caroline standing in the hallway.
She smiles, her expression going soft when she looks me up and down. “You look very pretty, Rubiana.”
I lower my eyes to the floor, not used to someone paying me a compliment. I look up to acknowledge her kind words.
“Thank you,” I reply with a small smile.
“I know we said your curfew was eleven, but since you’re out with Abby and Chris, we can push it to midnight. It is Friday and all.”
I’m annoyed that she is pointing it out right now in front of everyone.
“Okay,” I say quietly.
What can I say, even if I’m an adult, they have control as part of my sentence. Pointing it out that I’m an adult will not help my cause to not feel embarrassed. I still don’t have a plan after graduation. To be honest, I’m scared. Maybe I can get a job after school, but now is not the time to think about that.
She steps to the side, and I shut the door behind me. When I make it downstairs, I find Abby, Noah, and Chris waiting for me by the foyer.
“Hi.” They all greet me at the same time.
I give them a small wave. “Hey. Thanks again for inviting me.”
Chris steps forward, his soft brown eyes landing on my face. His dark blonde hair is styled to the side. It looks like he made an effort tonight more than he usually does, and I still get the suspicion that he asked Abby for me to come along.
It is not that I don’t find Chris attractive, because he is. He is wearing a gray Henley that he fills out nicely, and dark blue jeans that sit low on his narrow waist. He has a straight nose, and is the exact opposite of Ky. And herein lies the problem, he isn’t Ky.