Page 62 of He Loves Me Not
The sound of the rollercoaster going in circles on the track, and the people screaming like their life depends on it has my stomach clenching and unclenching in fearful anticipation of not knowing how it is going to feel being upside down that high in the air.
When it is our turn to get on, my hands are clammy. After I pull the harness over my shoulders, the operator checks it, and I clip it between my thighs with a click.
“Relax, I’m right here,” Chris says.
I close my eyes trying to calm myself down. Chris grips my hand as the ride begins to slide forward on the track, and my stomach somersaults when it goes higher. Holy shit.
A scream escapes my throat, and I remove my hand from Chris’s grip and it feels like I’m flying in the air reminding of wishing I could fly like Superman if I was a kid. My mind flashes to a memory of me and Ky.
“Why do you like Superman?” Ky asks.
“I don’t know,” I answer.
“What do you mean, you don’t know. I told you why I like Batman. It is because no one knows he is Batman, he kills the bad guy, has pretty girlfriends, and has a cool car.
I lower my head and try to think of the best way to really answer him without giving too much of the real reason away. “I guess because he can fly away whenever he needs to, and he has special powers to save people. He can also walk around as Clark Kent without anyone knowing who he is. I also like that he has one true love, Louis Lane. He even gives up his powers to be with her.”
Ky scrunches his nose like he smelled something foul, and I hope it isn’t me. I made sure I made a stop at the drug store to spray some of the body spray on my clothes. I sigh in relief when he says, “But that makes him weak if he gave up his powers. He wouldn’t be able to save her. That is why Batman is better. He doesn’t have to give up anything for a girl.”
I roll my eyes. “That means he doesn’t love anyone, and he is lonely.”
He lays on the blanket and smiles, looking at the clouds in the sky as they slides in front of the sun, a daisy in his hand that he is twirling the stem between his fingers. His black eyes dart to my mine, and he holds out the single daisy. I extend my hand and take the stem in my fingers, feeling the thin, soft stem on the pads of my fingers.
“That is why you can’t be Robin.”
I draw my eyebrows together in confusion, at the same time feeling deflated. Robin is Batman’s sidekick. His friend. Does it mean he doesn’t see me as his friend?
Ky raises himself on his elbow, touching the tips of my hair, and he smiles. “You’re Catwoman.” I smile, and suddenly he leans close and presses his lips on mine. Fireworks explode when I close my eyes, and butterflies swarm in my stomach.
The ride stops and it feels like I was transported in time.
“Did you like it?” Chris asks.
I wasn’t paying attention. I was daydreaming of the guy I can’t get out of my mind.
“It was okay,” I lie.
We meet up with Abby and Noah. I can’t help but notice Abby looking over to see Tyler with Amber. I raise my brow to let her know that she is being obvious, and she tears her eyes away and looks up at me with a fake smile.
We pass by fun houses and the house of mirrors and that one intrigues me and I want to go in. Noah pulls Abby to another ride, and Chris looks at me, and then in the direction of the restroom.
“Uh, I’m going to go to the restroom for a second. Are you okay waiting here?”
Wanting to go to the house of mirrors, I simply smile. “Sure, go ahead. I’ll be checking the house of mirrors out.”
He looks relieved and walks backward toward the men’s restroom. “Okay. I’ll be right out.”
Take your time. I turn to the entrance to the ride. Well, it isn’t exactly a ride because you walk through a maze of mirrors until you get to the other side and exit, hopefully without bumping your face. I show the ride attendant my unlimited band that gives access to all the rides, and enter the maze of mirrors, looking at my reflection and feeling my way through the tight spaces.
Every turn I make, I come to a frustrating dead end and turn in the opposite direction until I reach the back. I see a shadow to my right, and feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise, but when I look, I sigh in relief. It is just my reflection. I keep moving, holding my hands out like I’m a blind person and making sure I don’t bump my head because my eyes are playing tricks on me.
When I turn, it is dark, and I can’t see the entrance or exit anymore, A hand covers my mouth and I pull back, muffling a scream until I’m pushed up against the interior metal siding of the trailer.
My eyes widen, and I’m about to panic when I hear, “Shh.” My chest is rising and falling with each breath. I close my eyes, making sure I can breathe through my nose, but a hand is still plastered over my mouth. “You have been a bad girl,preciosa.” I give a weighted sigh in relief. Ky. “I think I need to teach you a lesson about going out with someone who isn’t me. I’m going to remove my hand, and if you scream, I’ll make sure you regret it. Nod if you understand.”
Anger and excitement trickles through my veins. My stomach flipping like the ride I was just on makes me want to clench my thighs, feeling his breath ghosting my neck as he speaks. I nod because it is the only choice I have in order to talk. I want to ask where the hell he has been.
When he releases his hand over my mouth, his eyes bore into mine. “Where have you been?” I query.