Page 64 of He Loves Me Not
He reaches out and touches the tip of my hair, and my brain is screaming for him to stop. I’m not sure if Ky is still watching me, but of course he is. He said he was. Chris’s fate rests in my hands because I have a feeling Ky doesn’t care that they are friends. He will hurt Chris for touching me. I think what he did to Patrick is just skimming the surface of what Ky is capable of.
So I do the smart thing—the sensible thing—and step back so he can’t touch my hair. “Your hair down looks good on you. I like it.”
No. No. Please don’t like me or find me attractive. I rub my lips together and look around. Anywhere but at him or his eyes, afraid of what I might find if I take a look. Want. Desire. Everything but friendship. I would even prefer pity at this point. I couldn’t stomach being the cause of someone getting hurt because Ky has suddenly decided that no one can touch me, or was I too blind to notice and that was always his intention.
My stomach uncoils when I spot Abby and Noah, and then my heart races when I also see Tyler and Amber following close behind. Abby has a grim look on her face that she is trying to hide by walking faster than Noah. I’m sure seeing Tyler with Amber is causing her pain.
At least he isn’t a psycho, Abby.Trying to do something that makes sense that would help someone out, I look past Abby once she reaches me. “Hey, Tyler. I didn’t know you and Amber were a thing?”
Yeah, asshole. You didn’t tell me to come along because you are trying to hide something.
Tyler stops and glances nervously at Abby, and then back at Amber like he was walking on a ledge and now realizes he could fall over. “A-Amber invited me and I said yes,” he stammers nervously.
“Oh, I had no idea.”
“What is it to you, freak?” Amber says in a snarky tone, sliding her hand through Tyler’s arm and giving Abby a knowing smile. Bitch. I wonder why she is interested in Tyler all of a sudden? I didn’t think Tyler was into Amber. I have never seen him stare at her or check her out. The only person I have ever seen him look at is Abby when he thinks no one is watching.
Tyler looks between Chris and me. “I didn’t know you were coming to the fair, either, Rubiana. You should have said something, and I would have taken you,” he replies, but is looking directly at Chris.
Interesting. I’m not the only one with secrets. But what gets to me is that he isn’t defending me from Amber calling me a freak. I’m not sure if I should be pissed off more that he didn’t tell me he was going to the fair with her, or that he isn’t defending me like I have gotten used to. I shouldn’t expect much from him but secretly I did.
“I guess it doesn’t matter now. We are all here together.” I emphasize the last part even though I had no intention of it being a date between Chris and me or anything like that. I just wanted to go along for the experience, but I’m also glad that I came for Abby’s piece of mind, and now for moral support.
I also don’t miss the way Tyler is scowling at Noah. So he does care that Abby is here with someone else. When I think the night couldn’t get any worse, the hairs on the back of my neck rise, causing the spot on my neck to throb where Ky sank his teeth, bruising the skin.
“What’s up, guys? I thought you all might have gone this way,” Ky says with a smile, walking up to us. He gives me a wicked smirk. “Nice hair, Rubiana. I hope you have a tie so when you go on the rides it doesn’t get too tangled.”Asshole.
“How was therapy?” Tyler asks, raising a brow.
Ky laughs through his nose, raising his perfect eyebrows up and down. “It was good. It was…crazy.” His obsidian eyes land on mine, but I don’t miss the way his eyes roam down body, not caring who is watching. “We all go a little mad from time to time.”
Ky was at therapy? Is he really crazy? But if he was, they wouldn’t allow him in school. Would they? Maybe I am dealing with a psycho. Is that why Tyler is always warning me to stay away from Ky? Now he is making it a point in making it known that was where Ky was when he was absent from school.
I watch as everyone looks away, not wanting to poke the bear any further, but that doesn’t stop Ky. I don’t think anything can stop Ky from saying or doing what he wants. Ky suddenly turns to Amber, giving her a wicked smile. I swear, watching him is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde making an appearance, but you don’t know in which order or which side of Ky you are getting.
Amber looks nervous when she glances at Ky, and for some reason, in spite of everything, I get jealous when he looks at her and she looks back. “I told you he would say yes?”
Her eyes widen, probably embarrassed that he is outing her. Amber asked Tyler to the fair and he said yes? It wasn’t his idea, but I wonder why he agreed to go with her when I have seen her around Ky. Why would she need to ask Ky about it? Then, I remember that he invited her at the poor attempt of a birthday party they threw for me.
She is probably the one behind having the word freak painted on my locker at school. My stomach coils in rage, and I ignore all the warning bells going off in my head telling me to let it go and not cause more trouble for myself or anyone else.
Amber’s lips lift in a grin. “Yes, he did.”
Ky winks at Tyler. “So, how was it, Tyler?”
“How was what, Ky?” he drawls, but I can tell in his eyes that he’s worried.
Ky knows something, and I can’t figure out what. This all so fucked up. I can feel it. The ball is about to drop.
“Oh, come on, you didn’t think anyone could see you two up in the Ferris wheel. She does give a good blowjob, doesn’t she?”
My eyes go wide, and I look at Abby, watching the sadness cross her features. The hurt reflected in her eyes when she lifts her gaze at Tyler mixing with the hurt of my own feelings. The fucked-up way that I care that he is praising her. I clench my teeth so hard I feel like they are going to snap off. I want to hurt Ky the same way he is hurting me and Abby. Fuck him.
Chris is standing next to me with a surprised expression aimed at Tyler, probably not believing that he allowed Amber to suck him off on the ride. Poor Noah doesn’t know if he should let the ground swallow him up. The air around us is stifling and full of awkward tension masking the true anger that is bubbling underneath, waiting to come out.
He could go fuck himself and get another blowjob from Amber since he liked it so much. My fingers touch Chris’s hand, and he looks down, watching me entwine my fingers with his. I look over at the row of games with hanging stuffed animals and spot the one you have to throw a ball and hit the empty glass beer bottles.
“Hey, do you want to go play that game over there with the beer bottles? “I ask softly, leaning into him.