Page 15 of Appetite
Instead of heading toward the restaurant like I expected, we head into the warmth of the impressive, modern opulence of the hotel. He walks up to the front desk, and I admire how he commands a room, not paying attention to anyone except those who give him what he wants.
He heads to the elevator with a key card in hand, and I silently follow him. He doesn't say a word while we wait inside the elevator. I find my voice once I see the elevator climb to the top floor.
"Why are we here?"
When we reach the designated floor, the doors automatically glide open and make a beeping sound, and he steps out. "Like I said, dinner is on me. No elevators this time."
Letting the mention of the elevator slide, I bite my lip. I know he is trying to lighten the mood. Regretfully, I run my fingers through my curly hair, upset at myself for not straightening it. I hate when it frizzes up.
A smile forms on his lips as we step out into the hallway. "Leave it. I told you I liked it."
I stop fiddling with my hair, adjust my medium-sized handbag on my shoulders, and let my hands fall to my sides.
After walking through a modern hallway with patterned carpet and contemporary lighting, we reach the door of a suite. The key card scans, and the entrance to the penthouse opens to an expansive room––more like an apartment that greets me with plush carpet and marble floors. To my right is a big dining area and kitchen. The doors leading to the balcony beside the living room look like they don't exist. They are so clear, it seems like they forgot to install them. In the middle of the living room are two L-shaped sofas and a huge coffee table supported by chrome legs.
"Wow," I breathe.
Knock. Knock.
I turn around as Reid pulls the door open, allowing Valen to walk through. His blond hair sticks out everywhere, like he has been running his hands through it. He is wearing a thick black jacket over dark jeans and boots. He has that sexy grunge look, like he just left the stage from a concert.
"Hey, gorgeous. Has he behaved?"
My eyes follow Reid as he makes his way toward the dining table, where there are silver covers over plates I didn't notice before, and a place setting for three.
I gesture to the dining table. "Hi…did you guys plan all of this?” I ask. Valen walks toward me, greeting me on the cheek with a simple kiss, sliding my jacket over my wrist like he is inspecting a child after a fall, looking at my wrists. They obviously talked about me, and Reid told him what happened to me, in detail. My thoughts go to the mystery man that visited me in the bathroom.Zero. Does he know? Did he notice them?
"Yes and no. It depends on how you look at it. We plan on the fly." He slides one of my curls behind my ear. "There is nothing we can't do, and we practically own everything or know who does."
The sons of Kenyan are also business entrepreneurs, schooled since birth. I wonder if college is mandatory or if they could actually choose. It isn't my business, but I'm curious.
"You didn't have to go through the trouble."
"We did," Reid says, standing by the dining table and pouring sparkling water into glasses as I notice an unopened bottle of wine for one.
My eyes meet Valen's light ones. They remind me of the fall foliage of colors. Moss greens with a touch of blue in certain places and the lightest part of honey in the center. It reminds me he has that boyish charm underneath the bad boy demeanor.
Reid walks up behind me and leans close. His fingers slide on my shoulders under my jacket, pushing it over my shoulders. I can feel the heat coming from behind me and his fingers ghosting the skin behind my neck.
"We want to see you while we eat," Valen says, sliding the sleeves off my arms and removing the rest, leaving me in my sweater and leggings.
We are seated at the dining table with Reid at the head, myself on his right, and Valen on his left, facing me. The smell of perfectly-cooked meat takes over, making my belly groan. Reid lifts the silver cover, and the most glorious steak I have ever seen sits in its juices, promising flavor on my tongue.
* * *
After dinner, the plates are cleared from the table by room service. Valen takes me by the hand to the bedroom and my mind begins to spin because I have never been with them at the same time, and to be honest, it isn't something I have thought about. It is always one or the other. An intimate transaction to which I always agree and nothing more.
He pauses, turns to face me at the foot of the bed, leans close to my ear, and whispers, "Is this what you wanted yesterday?"
My eyes meet his, and I know I can't lie. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I will because it's true, it's what I wanted. What I needed. This is what my life consists of.
"Reid wants to watch. Is that okay, gorgeous? Is it okay for him to watch me fuck you?"
There is a chair in the corner of the room, and Reid takes a seat, removing his jacket. His face is stoic, but his eyes are dark like the sea. He doesn't say a word. He just watches us, and it feels like we are the only ones in the room, and it's not Valen and me. It is Reid and me.
Reid nods, giving me the signal that it is okay. That he agrees to watch me with Valen.