Page 22 of Appetite
"What? Why? Where are we going?” I ask, wiping my face with a tissue.
"I don't think that is a good idea."
"Why not? Is it because of Reid? I saw the look on your face when Veronica mentioned his arranged marriage. You like him, don't you?"
"He's off-limits." I manage to say, not admitting to her that I do or how I truly feel.
Not just physically or because of the hot sex. I know he isn't the type to sweep you off your feet. He isn't soft or romantic. He's hard and hot. At least with me, he doesn't see me in the romantic way you read about in romance novels. He has never treated me like he is interested in anything more, and I have accepted that you can't change someone.
Gia sits on her old bed, facing me. "You didn't say you didn't, though. Would you still be interested if he wasn't off-limits because he is marrying some chick?"
I toss a pencil from my desk at her, and she moves to the side, dodging it and giggling. "You do like him. More than Valen?"
I roll my eyes playfully. "It doesn't matter. Valen is a sophomore. He has two years of sex, fun, and parties. I graduate in six months; it would never work out. You sometimes forget that I'm considered Prey and still the common folk. Reid is marrying someone the Order agrees to, and I'm…nothing." I shrug my shoulders. "It's pointless to dwell on it."
"Don't say that. You're smart. You don't even study, and you pass your exams. You're beautiful and the strongest person I know."
"Aww, Gia. You're going to make me cry."
"No, don't cry, but I do want you to come with me. Get dressed. The driver is waiting outside. A tight dress, long coat. Boots. Let's go."
* * *
We make it to Dravin's off-campus house. I still wonder why Reid lives there with him. Valen still lives with his parents. I wonder what his story is. Maybe it’s theI hate my parents and want to fuck and party without them breathing down my neckstory. I doubt they care as long as he does what is required, like all rich families. The sons take over, marry who they deem worthy, have babies, and rule the world. Rinse and repeat. The next generation of assholes is born.
The trees groan on their branches, blowing in the cold wind. The lights from the modern sconces shine bright against the house's walls. Leaves are on the ground from the wind dragging them to the walkway, causing them to crunch under my boots with each step I take behind Gia.
Gia walks up to the main door and punches in the code to unlock the door. The smell of luxury greets me from the moment I step inside. The fireplace glows on the white walls, casting a shadow from us walking inside, making us look like we are in a Tim Burton movie with a nice house. Our silhouettes grow as we step inside.
Gia closes the door, causing it to beep, signaling that it is locked behind us, and I can hear voices coming from the patio.
I can hear Valen and one of the twins laughing. I have to see if I can figure out which one is Dravin and Draven. I guess it doesn't matter. They both look the same, sound the same, they even walk the same. I need to give up trying every time I see them.
My eyes scan the area, the cold hitting my face, mixed with the heat from the heaters placed around the pool.
"Hey, baby," one of the twins says, greeting Gia.
The other twin grins when he spots me. One eye is dark, and the other the color of the bluest ocean. "Hello, Jess. I'm glad you could make it."
"Thank you for having me."
"Hey, gorgeous. Of course, you are their fiancée's best friend. You're always welcome," Valen says, realizing with a grimace how that sounded when he moved forward.
Thanks for giving it to me straight, Valen. I get it.I smile and look away to the dark sky glittered with stars. The sting of his words was like a slap to my face. "Lucky me." I guess that is the only reason I'm here.It is better than just having sex with Reid as the reason, I tell myself.
"I-I didn't mean it like that, Jess. I'm sorry. I–"
"Hey, Valen. Why don't you get us those beers you brought." One of the twins interrupts. I wish I knew which one said it because I want to thank him.
Sometimes you hate to be right about someone. You think you're smart for figuring them out, but when they prove you were right, removing any lingering doubt that you were wrong, you're left with the sting of the truth.
What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I say that? Why?The look on her face gutted me. She must think I don’t care about her or that I think she is beneath us, and the only reason we have her around is because of Gia and for sex. Everything I did to show her otherwise, I fucked it up with a few words.