Page 33 of Appetite
Gia thinks they were the ones who had it made. If she only knew. If they all only knew.
"The woman at the store wouldn't say who purchased it, but I would love to thank them personally tonight," I add, but then contradict my statement. I know that I will be doing no such thing. "Maybe not. I don't want to cause trouble. I'm sorry for even mentioning it."
They wouldn't even notice the dress, assuming Gia and the twins did me a solid since they were the ones that extended the invitation.
"Don't be nervous. We have each other," Gia assures me warmly.
"If they ask you to dance, Jess. It is normal. You are considered single and Prey. I hate to say this, but you are available in their eyes, and some might view you as one of two things, a potential fuck or a potential wife," Draven says.
I let out a deep breath I didn't think I was holding. "Good to know, "I reply dryly.
It isn't his fault. He is just being nice and preparing me for the vultures of the room. There are only two I'm worried about that are dangerous to me: Warren and Michael.
The car pulls up to a large estate, resembling a hidden palace in the woods. I would have never thought a place like this existed. Expensive cars with drivers line the driveway of the expansive estate. The walls are ancient with history, like the Colosseum. Men in suits open the doors of the cars as they crawl forward. Vines covering the walls of the estate give it an enchanted feel. The stairs look like they are made of stone that has stood the test of time.
Two wooden doors open and close as guests in tuxedos and ball gowns are screened to enter. My eyes are transfixed, so taken by it all that I don't hear the door opening or the man waiting for me to exit.
"Let's go, Jess," Gia whispers.
I'm embarrassed that I was caught staring into space. I didn't realize the twins were waiting outside or that we were the only two who needed to still exit.
"I-I'm sorry," I stammer, trying to plant my heels on the stones that lead to the stairs and not face plant on the concrete.
I'm not used to wearing heels and didn't own a pair until yesterday. When we reach the interior, everything is black and red. There is a photo booth, where everyone stops to take a picture. Embarrassment sings in my veins, and my heart begins to pound. Gia is in front of me with the boys, and it is customary to take a picture. I haven't seen one person avoid it. Taking a deep breath, I look around at all the faces I don't recognize, with their expensive suits and beautiful dresses. When I look to the side and watch as the photographer snaps pictures, the flash rapidly going off, my stomach clenches when I see it is Valen with Melissa. His smile is tight, but he looks handsome.My hand immediately flies to my neck, and I tug at the necklace he gifted me like it's burning my skin. I received a box earlier with a necklace from him. I wasn’t going to wear it but I didn’t want him to think I would never forgive him.
Forgiveness is given but not in the currency of a gift. Growing up, I was never given anything unless it came from my mother's hard work. Accepting a gift from Valen was a mistake that I now regret. I tug harder, and the necklace gives, and it falls in the palm of my hand. I stare at the offending necklace, wondering where I will put it. I didn't bring a clutch because I don't even own one. My phone was left in the car in the seat pocket.
The line moves forward, and Gia turns to give me a reassuring smile. I'm doing this for her and the experience. I repeat in my head when our eyes meet. When Valen steps forward, his eyes find mine, but I look away, staring at a painting with a naked woman. Her nipples are visible underneath the fabric of her dress and her eyes are staring at her lover.
When I turn my head, it is my turn to have my picture taken. "Right this way, Miss. You will have two sets of pictures at the end of the evening," the photographer says.
"Thank you," I say softly, moving forward on steady feet. I rub my lips together and paste a fake smile on my face.
"Is there anyone with you, Miss?"
I shake my head, telling him no. Embarrassment covers my skin. I'm the only one alone, standing before the red backdrop. The photographer gestures so I can stand in the middle.
All eyes are on me, and I want the ground to swallow me whole. My dress swooshes over the lush black carpet as I hold my head high and pull the fabric delicately to the side. I don't care that I look like someone's mistress. I don't care what they think of me. For me, there was no prom or fancy date. Fuck them. I'm taking a picture to send back to my mother. The only person that stuck by me through it all.
I can see the women craning their necks, covering their mouths and whispering amongst themselves, but then the photographer places the camera down, and I stand confused.
"Excuse me." I hear someone say in a stern tone. "Excuse me." I hear the voice say again.
The crowd parts, and the last person I expect stands before me. His dark eyes find mine, holding them for a second longer than necessary.Reid.
His mouth breaks into a small smile. "Now, smile," he says.
My palms are sweating, my pulse is racing, and I take the time to admire his clean-shaven face. His piercings are gone, and he looks like a dark prince. His hair is jet black and worn to the side part, and I know from experience that it will fall over his brow before the night ends. His black lashes seem even darker than normal because they are so thick, and his strong lips are nicely sculpted. Sinfully beautiful. His tattoos peek out of the collar of his black tux and over his hands.
His expression softens when he takes my hand and places it over his chest. I can feel his heart beating a million miles per minute, and then a flash of the camera goes off. My other hand grips the necklace in a fist. He turns, and I follow his lead. His fingers slide softly over the lace on my waist, and I feel the electricity over my skin. It has me confused, thinking that being away from him for a while would cause me not to feel anything, but I do. I always have. With Reid, it's different. Deep down between the need to remove Michael's touch from my skin, my heart fell through the cracks for Reid. The harshness of his words buried my feelings for him in a place deep inside, lost in the chaos of my suffering. But every time he softens his touch and looks at me with his midnight eyes, the color of the deepest ocean full of secrets, I remember that the feelings I have developed for him are still there. Whatever I’m missing from Zero, I find it in Reid.
Flash, the camera goes off, but when I think the photographer is done, he stops us with his words.
"One more," he says, holding up his index finger with a camera lens aimed at us. "You two look amazing. One of the best I have seen all night. Truly, it is a pleasure to photograph you both." I smile, showing my teeth, and the camera goes off again.