Page 60 of Appetite
"How do you know that?"
I chuckle. "Apparently, I know more than you."
Mich or Michael jerks in the medical chair I rolled in here from the Ophthalmologist's office to tie him up when Valen brought him in.
Valen knocked the fucker unconscious and gave him a hallucinogen. He likes to drug my girl to fuck her, which is what I'll start with.
I smile, open the door, and walk in, dragging the metal seat, making sure it squeaks really loud so I can sit and chat.
I turn the TV down but leave the light flashing. "Ah, ah, ahh!" I scream, laughing, loving the fear dancing in his eyes.
"P-please turn the light off. Make it stop. I'll do whatever you want," he pleads while the drool drips down his chin. Disgusting.
"Michael, Michael, Michael. Tsk. I see that you got yourself in a pickle.
"What the fuck are you? Who are you? How do you know my name?"
I cross my legs and angle my head, watching both of his eyeballs protruding from his pathetic skull.
"I know a lot of things. But I have recently found out that you're the disease, Michael. And I'm the cure."
His eyes widen when I stand, and he sees the long knife I pulled from its sheath from my coat. The perfect knife.
"What are you doing with that?"
"What normal people do is cut meat, but, in my case, insane people cut flesh."
"Please let me go."
"Why? Why should I let you go? I can't let you infect other people. I need to cure you of your sins."
I twirl the knife and know Valen can see me, probably wondering what lengths I will go to for my little Sparrow.
Michael can see out the window with the strobe light on,he doesn't know who the fuck is behind the mask, but I think before I'm done, he should see. So it can sink in when I revel in his screams and the reason that brought me here to hand him his fate.
I get up and walk around him and bend so he can feel the leather beak of the mask. "Do you want to know why you're here?"
"No, please. I'll give you whatever you to want."
"Can you go back in time? Can you undo what you have done?"
"I haven't done anything."
"Then I'm afraid there is nothing you can do."
"I'm telling you the truth."
"I'm sure you are, but if there is one thing the Order hates, is liars. They take what has been given when you break the rules."
He tries to close his eyes, but the device keeps his eyelids open. "What have I done?"
"The worst thing anyone could have done. You touched something that is mine, and I will take everything away from you and the piece of shit ball sack you came out of. You're a waste of sperm, honestly, and I'm doing the world a favor right now."
"I'm sorry. Please, I won't do it again."
"I'm afraid you're at the point of no return."
I walk behind him, bend to see his Achilles heel, and swipe the knife. I close my eyes and hear the guttural screams as his flesh slices open, the blood pouring out to pool on the sterile white floor.