Page 9 of King
“Do you know Hannah?” I asked her. “They don’t exactly love each other. Their marriage was one of convenience. He needed to inherit the empire and he could only do that if he got married.”
“So he’ll divorce her and marry me,” she said.
“No,” I replied. “He won’t. He will lose everything if he divorces her. You won’t be anything more than a lover.”
“Yeah, well you watch me. He can’t keep his hands off me.”
I looked her up and down. “I can just imagine. He’s never had a good sense for women.”
Her eyes dropped and I could see she was angry. I got off the chair and headed for the door. I heard the movement before I turned around to see her running for the door. I caught her around the waist and hauled her up against me. Her body was soft and yet strong, her perfume invaded my nostrils and I instantly felt my cock rise. I pulled away from her, and pushed her back.
“Nice try.”
She backed up and I headed for the door again. She ran ahead of me and opened the door, only to be confronted by Ben standing in the way. She fell back on the carpet and looked up at the beast of a man who stood guard.
“Stay here, little dove,” I said. “Zane’s not known to handle his own shit. He’ll crack soon and you can go back to him…if you want to.”
I exited the room and headed back to my own, to get rid of the hard cock she’d inevitably given me. If just one touch could do this to me, I absolutely understood what Zane would do to get her back.
The door closed and I felt myself seething with anger. How could he think he could just steal me and that was fine?
I threw the lamp that had been on the bedside table across the room, letting it smash against the wall. It felt good to smash his shit.
He was arrogant and he had this little fucking smirk I desperately wanted to wipe off his smug face. I looked around for something else to break in the room. If he was going to keep me locked in here, I was going to fuck his shit up. I moved about the room, grabbing anything that would make a sound. When I found two heavy bookends from the bookshelf on the side of the room. They were heavy to hold, and they gave me a great idea. I headed back over to the large double doors and I hauled one of them directly at the door. It hit the door with a large thud before clattering to the floor. A large dent landed in the door.
I walked back over to the other bookend and did the same thing. This time, a chunk came out of the wooden door and I could see light behind the hole. The bookends have damaged the tile beneath where they’d landed too.
The light through the hole I’d made was dimmed when I saw an eye look through.
“Stop that, lady,” an unfamiliar voice said from behind the door. Damn it. He had someone watching me.
I paced the floor, trying to think of ways I could reach Zane to come and get me. Surely he would know how to breach his own brother’s place. He had to have come here from time to time. I checked my pockets for my phone but it wasn’t with me.
Damn it.
I sat back down on the bed and thought of something I could do. That’s when I realized, there was light coming in from a window. I turned around to see a set of windows, large and frosted, almost covered in thick theater style drapes to each side. I ran over to them and tried to look for a lock. It didn’t seem to have anywhere to unlock it.
Damn it.
This fucker had thought of it all.
Well damn.
Everything outside was an odd shade of sepia, almost as if the windows had an Instagram filter on them. What the hell?
I moved over to the door and looked through the peephole I had made. No one seemed to be outside.
This could be a trap.
I rattled the door knobs a little but I didn’t see anyone pass in front of the peephole. I twisted the door knob and to my surprise, it opened.