Page 27 of The Last Option
“Hello everyone, I’m so happy you came.”
“We’re so happy you came, because the tab is getting high,” called out a person in the audience, who was more than a little nervous until she showed up.
“Well, thank you for that welcome. I’m Pilar Corsca. If you know me great, if you don’t it may not be such a big loss. At any rate, the reason I’m here is to inform everyone that the board has entrusted me to get a good replacement for Mr. Middleton.”
Brian had heard enough. He wanted to be close to the stage so this night would be over, and he could address his Jessica problem. As if she had heard his words, Jessica appeared at the front door. She wasn’t in casual clothes but in business clothes.
Brian was about to ask Clay if Jessica showed at these parties often but then Pilar spoke.
“Mr. Middleton’s departure has left the company with a hole to fill. Because that position is important and we want to make sure all the schedules are followed, I will be filling the position with an interim CFO.”
Brian walked up to the stage and Pilar covered the microphone with her hand.
“Brian, what are you doing?” she hissed.
“I thought you were going to announce me and—”
“No, Brian, I haven’t decided.”
“Excuse me?” Brian was sure he had heard her wrong.
“You heard me. Take your seat and listen.” Pilar straightened up and looked around the room.
“I’ve looked long and hard and it’s come down to Brian and Jessica. I will think on it some more and give my final answer in seven days. So, I wish both of them luck and I want to let them know if it were possible, I’d have them both. So, everyone eat and be merry.”
Pilar stepped off of the stage and she motioned for him to follow her. They went to a side room and Brian just fell into the seat.
“What happened?”
Pilar sighed. “What happened was I came and found a hidden gem. I have to think about what is best for Butler.”
“But I – I- thought this was a done deal and—”
“It’s not a reflection of you, Brian. I just need to know we have the best in the office.”
He nodded but he felt like he’d been punched in the kidneys. His breath was gone, and he had a stinging pain that was left behind. He knew what he needed to do was go on a walk. Yeah, that’s what he needed to clear out the confusion so he could talk to Pilar and help her make the logical decision.
* * *
Jessica saw Brian go out the door and she went after him. It was never so apparent as it was right now how long Brian’s legs were. Granted he’d gone out the back, which meant she had to bob and weave through some people but when he was on the street, his legs just ate up the sidewalk.
Jessica saw him moving like a shark heading for prey. She wondered if he knew where he was going. She called out his name, but he didn’t respond. Then she called out again, “Brian please!”
“Not now, Jessica,” he said as he turned toward her and gave a curt shake of his head. “I have to think this through and I’m no good to you right now.”
Jessica saw the hurt in his hunched body and knew she wasn’t going to leave him. As much as this put them on opposing sides, she wouldn’t leave him to his own doubts. “You know this doesn’t make what you do or how you do any less.”
Jessica saw him hunch his shoulders even more, but he slowed down his pace.
“You know I’ll probably lose my breath and you’ll have to carry me back to the place if you don’t hold up.”
“Jessica, I think I would like to rethink my career alone.”
“No can-do buddy,” Jessica said in a chipper sing song voice.
Jessica knew she was pushing him but at least he had stopped walking.
“You know, you haven’t been very good about listening to me. I don’t know what made me think this would be any different.”