Page 38 of The Last Option
“It’s easy to dance to young people’s music. You just jump all around the floor,” Shorty joked.
“They can’t have dance steps because they don’t remember them,” Retro threw out. Jessica went to Retro and pulled him on the floor.
“Name your dance, partner, and I’ll keep up with you.”
That was how it had all started. People yelled out dances like the Charleston, The Twist, The Bunny Hop and The Stroll. No matter what they called out Jessica knew it. Brian was enthralled with every move she made. She was innocence wrapped in business casual. A lot of people pointed and laughed as she danced and then challenged her on the floor. She made sure to include everyone, including Lars.
Then at the end of a dance she stopped, and he could see exhaustion droop her shoulders. She turned as if she could feel his gaze and looked at him. When the exhaustion seemed to fade and she gave him a shy smile, Brian knew. He knew he loved Jessica.
This wasn’t in the plan. He definitely hadn’t been looking and it was too late to try to get away. He was hers. She started to walk over, and it took all he had not to run to her.
So, this was the feeling in the books. This was what it meant to be joined and still never have touched. The feelings he had for Jessica were like a thrill of a wave that he wasn’t worried would take him out but would cushion and comfort him. Brian also knew in that moment that he wasn’t sure what it was going to take but he was going to convince Jessica they were the right couple.
For once in his lifetime, Brian's career wasn't the most primary thing. The scary part was that Brian didn't take chances. With Jessica, he could go ahead and come up with the best plan, and she could still leave him. She would leave him in his world with only money and his career. Having known Jessica, that future seemed bleak.
He always told his new recruits not to think negatively before they even started. If you put those negative thoughts in your head, you'd follow down the path, and right now he needed every positive thought he could think of in order to be able to keep Jessica by his side.
“Shouldn’t you be home cleaning up and getting ready for bed?”
“I had dinner with an amazing woman and thoughts of her kept me up.”
“So, I’m the reason you’re out here.”
“If you’re here then yes, I’m here, too.”
“I was nervous when I first saw you but now I’m glad you’re here. Sometimes, when I can't get a clear thought, I dance. Did you know that I really like to dance?”
“Didn't know before, I definitely know now, Jessica,” he said with a smile. “Did you want to go home or go for a walk with me?”
“I came with Beth.”
“Clay is here. I’ll ask him to take Beth home if that’s okay?”
“Yes, that is very gentlemanly of you.” He saw her sway a bit, but he held her steady.
“Jessica, are you sure?”
“I know I’m tired, but I want just a little more of this night with you.”
“I’m glad you agreed because I think I like you, too, Brian.” Then she stood up on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his chin. “I’m returning the kiss, Brian, although I think yours was better.”
Just as the music stopped she said the words and then the Straw Hat was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
“Oh no, tell me that everyone isn’t looking,” Jessica moaned.
Brian smiled. “Not everyone. I think Retro has fallen asleep again.”
Brian looked at her red face and pushed back a hank of her hair that had fallen forward.
“I think it’s time for that walk now,” Jessica reminded.
He pulled her into his embrace. “Let’s do that walk.”
“You are so warm, Brian! It’s like being wrapped in a comfy blanket.”
Brian smiled and inhaled her hair. “Come on, let’s get some air, because I’m feeling warm, too.”