Page 51 of The Last Option
“You know what they say, friends don't leave friends out.”
Jessica turned around and gave Beth an odd look. “Friends don't leave friends out. I thought the expression was friends don't let friends drink and drive.”
Beth waved off the comment.
“The point is that friends don't keep things from one another because they're there to help them to make the right decision.”
“I don't know if that really applies to this particular situation.”
“Just tell me, is he becoming the squeaker again? Or is this just a temporary issue that both of you are having?”
Jessica looked at Beth and shrugged her shoulders. Then she took a seat on the side of the tub.
“This is not how the romance books are written. It says that I'm supposed to get all of the leeway and he's supposed to be valiantly waiting, secure and strong for me.”
“So, the reality isn't matching with what the stories say? Who would have ever imagined that?”
“I don't need you to be sarcastic right now, Beth.”
“On the contrary, I think you do. If I understand correctly, you are sitting here upset because he exposed himself to be vulnerable to you. I think this is what all women are hoping that men would do and right now you're stressed.”
“I think he just jumped on this as an excuse. And if it's not this, it's going to be something else.”
“Now who's making excuses?”
“I'm scared, Beth.”
“Now the question is are you in love with him?”
“Well since you don't have any problem answering that question, I suggest you get yourself together and go over and have breakfast.”
“But you didn't hear him, and he said things that made me doubt myself and I was hurt.”
“I hear when it's true love it always hurts. However, I'm told the highs mask the hurts when it's true love.”
“Let me freshen up my face then and get myself out there.”
Beth left Jessica in the bathroom so that she could look at herself, pinch her cheeks and walk out. It wasn't even a minute later that Jessica heard Beth scream.
Jessica went to Beth who was standing at the door to their bedroom.
“What's wrong?”
“I thought I saw a snake.”
“A snake? It was probably the garden snake coming in for a little shade.”
Beth grabbed Jessica’s shoulders.
“What if it strikes while I’m going down the steps?”
“Beth, I think that is a bit extra. It’s more scared of you.”
Beth nodded. “You saying that just proves you’ve been reading the literature that says snakes are harmless.”
“I’m going down because I have to leave, okay? I’ve got my phone on so give me a call if you need anything or think you see something,” Jessica said brandishing her phone in the air.