Page 59 of The Last Option
“I believe in us, and I believe in you. When I went into that boardroom tonight, I told them the truth. You are an amazing woman who has lots of talent and the company would be passing up an opportunity if they didn't use that talent. I want you to know I'm supportive of your career and I will always be here for you. More importantly, I want you to know that if it's ever a decision between you and work, you will always be on top.”
If Jessica could have, she would have sprouted wings. This was Brian. This was them. He was totally in with her and all her quirks.
“I love you bunches!” she said into his neck, before she kissed him on it. “I love you so much and I felt alone and wrong being here without you. The only thing I could think about was how to get to you.”
“I’m here so you don’t have to worry about that now. If anything, you’ll have to wonder how to get rid of me. I thought I had messed up the one good thing in my life. We’ll work out the career stuff now that we’re both CFOs. That is if you can find a way to forgive me?”
“If? There are no ifs, ands or buts, we are going to make this work. I didn’t think I’d fall in love with anyone, but more importantly I didn’t think anyone would fall in love with me as is.”
“Jessica, I don’t know how a person couldn’t fall in love with you. You bring a light to my life that I didn’t know was missing. You bring hope to me that I had forgotten that I’d put away. Will you be mine forever?”
“Yes. I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine.”
“Thank goodness you said yes. I couldn’t imagine facing Beth without you. Now will you tell me what this squeaky thing is about?”
Jessica laughed. Brian carried Jessica in the elevator and out to a waiting car. When he set her on her feet, she reached up and kissed him. He held her close and for the moment nothing existed but them. When she pulled back, she locked her hands around his neck.
“I only have one more question,” Jessica said with a smile on her lips.
“Ask it and it’s yours.”
“Were you serious about After Hours being packed when you left?”
Brian laughed and twirled her around before opening the door. “Yes, Ms. CFO, your first deploy was a success. I’ll fill you in on the ride.”