Page 47 of This Will Hurt (This Will Hurt)
That ass.
I swallowed against the dryness in my throat and watched him straighten up. He draped the vest over the edge of the bathtub, and it was such an insignificant sight, but I wanted to find my camera and take a photo of him.
I loved taking photos of Roe.
“You’re supposed to take your clothes off and hop in the shower,” he reminded me.
“I’m supposed to do a lot of things.” Yet, all I could do was stare. As if…if I stared a bit longer, I’d understand something that remained out of reach, beyond my comprehension.
He gave me a strange look, maybe because I wasn’t making much sense—who knew—and he dismissed it. He came over to me and finished unbuttoning my shirt, then slid it down my shoulders.
Closer, closer, closer.
I’d never paid attention to those freckles. I liked them. You only saw them up close, turning them into a secret for people who had no business being mere inches away from him.
I liked his hands on me too.
And his eyes. I hadn’t noticed they were more green than blue.
“You’re staring, dude.” He put up a front with that smirk, and no amount of alcohol could prevent me from seeing through it.
I dropped my gaze to his lips and wondered…
My shirt fell to the floor, and he was right there, about to take a step back.
We couldn’t have that. It was too soon for him to leave.
“My pants aren’t gonna come off on their own.” I gripped the edge of the sink behind me, making it clear I wouldn’t make this easy for him.
A flash of uncertainty flickered in his eyes, but I knew Roe Finlay. He recovered quickly. He landed on his feet and faced challenges head on.
Closer, closer.
He’d started this. He’d fucked with my head, unknowingly, for months. Maybe longer.
“Are you bein’ obstinate on purpose?” He narrowed his eyes at me.
No baby this time?
Another kind of heat made its way through me, fueled by a boost of assertiveness. I liked this look on him. Just a tad out of place. Not quite knowing how to read me. What to do next. So I reached out and tugged him closer, and I leaned in and grazed my nose along the shell of his ear.
“It’s better you undo my pants for me.”
He sucked in a breath and froze, and I took advantage. I brought his hands to my belt and helped him get cracking. The belt came off while I inhaled deeply through my nose, and then his fingers trembled and worked my zipper.
“You’re not gonna remember this tomorrow,” he rasped.
I prayed I fucking would.
I wasn’t sure I’d ever felt anything like this. Hell, I wasn’t sure I knew what I felt, only that it was all-consuming and overwhelmingly powerful. Forceful. My entire being buzzed with a desire I’d never experienced before, from my core to the surface of my skin.
He tugged the zipper down, and his fingertips brushed over my boxer briefs. My cock.
I exhaled. “Keep going.” I nuzzled his neck, my mouth watering. Remembering I had fucking hands of my own, I reached out and slid them up his chest.
His breaths came out faster.
He pushed down my pants till they fell off and pooled at my feet.
“Almost there,” I murmured. I detached his suspenders, then began unbuttoning his shirt too. At the same time, I ghosted my lips along his jaw and waited for him. Show me something new, Roe. He wanted me. He was always extra…when I was drunk. Because he was indulging. He was banking on me forgetting his terms of endearment when I woke up the following morning.
“You rat fucking bastard,” he whispered. Last thing he said before he surrendered and tilted his face toward mine. Our lips met, and I cupped his face in my hands. A violent shiver tore down my spine, and I deepened the kiss right away.
He moaned as I swept my tongue into his mouth. He fell against me and kissed me back hard, passionately. Lust exploded inside me, and my chest expanded with a quick breath and the urge to take whatever I could.
He was mine tonight.
This was right.
The second I dropped my hands, he locked his arms around my neck, and I lost my patience. Feeling his body against mine was so foreign and yet felt so goddamn wonderful. With zero finesse, I got rid of his shirt and undid his pants, and he took over after that until there was nothing left on either of us.
Not quite ready to look down, I steered him toward the shower and kissed him again. He took the hint and blindly reached out to open the shower door. It was a big shower. Plenty of room. He turned on the water overhead, and I backed him up against the wall.
He gasped, and fuck, so did I. Whether I looked or not, it was impossible to miss the sensation of my cock pressing against his. My mind started swimming all over again, a few silent cries of panic easily silenced by my hunger.