Page 15 of Fireball (Smoke)
“Heroine is powerful, Madeline. When people get addicted, nothing else matters. They lose sight of things. They aren’t themselves.” He sighed, sat down then leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “That’s where Luke was. He was gone. The man needed his next fix, and no one would give it to him. He owed money, and his life was being threatened. It was a fucking miracle he hadn’t been killed yet. I was afraid that you’d get hurt or killed. I stepped in to see if I could clean his debts up. But he’d already made his own move.” Blaise stopped, and his jaw worked as he clenched his teeth.
I was afraid to speak. Whatever was coming next, he was struggling with it.
“The man who raised you, Luke, wasn’t your father. You know that. Please, baby, remember that. I need you to keep that in your head while I finish this.”
His eyes were pleading with me, but I said nothing. It didn’t matter to me that Luke hadn’t been my biological father. He was the man who had raised me after my mother died. He could have given me away, put me into foster care. Forgotten about me. Having only one kid to raise would have made his and Cole’s lives easier. But he’d kept me. He had struggled to keep us both.
“Luke made a deal. With the biggest sex trafficker in the States. He goes by Uncle. The bastard is a sick man. Luke had agreed to hand you over for half a million dollars.” Blaise swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “No motherfucker was going to have you, abuse you, touch you.”
He shook his head, looking furious. The room, however, had started to spin for me.
“I took Gage and Huck with me. We found Luke and followed him into a warehouse two miles from your apartment. I wanted to talk to him. Offer to get him out of his situation and get him and Cole some help. I was going to take you after getting them help. Get you moved in with the Houstons and away from that shit life you were in. But Luke refused and pulled a gun on me. Told me I had messed with the wrong people and took the shot. He missed, and it took every fucking ounce of control in me not to put a bullet in him right then. But you loved him, and I couldn’t do it. I used the butt of my gun to knock him out instead. Huck and Gage knew about you, but they’d never been sent to watch you. I did that. I was the one who watched you. They were outside, listening, and came running in as Luke hit the floor. I sent them to find Cole, and I was going to make sure you were safe. You were babysitting that day, and I didn’t want you walking back to that apartment.
“They found Cole leaving your apartment with two other men. I had instructed my guys to talk to Cole. To only kill him if it was the only way to save you. I was outside the apartment where you were babysitting, watching for any sign that you were in danger. Gage knew my location, and when they started in your direction, they intercepted them, then convinced them to go into my empty apartment, which I kept available so I could watch you closely and in the event you ever needed me.
“Cole was angry and hotheaded. He didn’t like that Huck and Gage had messed with their plans. When Gage explained to him that he didn’t have to do this, that there was someone more powerful than the people he was dealing with, willing to give him another option, he laughed and said that he didn’t want another option and that we had stopped the wrong people. That you’d be untraceable within the hour.”
I felt dizzy and reached to grip the armrest on the chair.
“Fuck,” Blaise whispered, but I couldn’t focus.
I felt him in front of me. I tried to breathe as I stared at him. He looked as if he felt this as deeply as I did.
He took my hands in his and held them tightly. “Look at me, baby.”
I did. I kept my eyes on him and finally inhaled air.
“Finish,” I told him. I needed to know. As horrible as this was, I needed to know.
He didn’t say anything at first.
“Tell her.” Huck’s voice broke the silence.
I hadn’t realized he had followed us inside.
Blaise didn’t look away from me. “What they didn’t know was that I was shadowing you. No one would get close to you. Huck called me to tell me they were coming. One of the other men pulled a gun on Gage, but not many people are as fast with a trigger as Gage. He took out both men and had it trained on Cole. The door to the apartment opened, and Huck fired at the first man who walked inside. Luke was behind him. Because of the distraction, Cole underestimated Gage. He went for his gun, but Gage was faster. When Cole was taken out, Luke yelled things that you do not want to hear—and even if you fucking hate me till the day I die, I will not repeat them. I won’t do that to you. But he pulled out a gun, and after hearing the vile things that Luke had said, Gage knew there was no other option. He took the shot. What Gage did wasn’t just on my command. He wanted them dead because it was the only way you would be safe.”