Page 46 of Fireball (Smoke)
“Hey, you okay?”
Saxon’s voice startled me, and I lifted my head from my hands and looked up at him. He was standing just inside my office door with concern on his face. Once, I’d thought I could talk to him, but I knew I couldn’t now. He was loyal to the family. To Blaise. I was beginning to understand that, but it still felt as if I had no real friends. They were all conditional on Blaise.
“Yeah, just tired.” I managed to smile.
Saxon didn’t look convinced. He walked farther into the room. “You sure?”
I wanted to laugh. Even if I wanted to tell him my problem, there were cameras all around this room.
I nodded. “Positive. How’s life at Moses Mile? I heard y’all bought a new thoroughbred that’s already being talked about in the racing world. That’s exciting.”
The closer we got to fall, the more the world of racing was on everyone’s mind and in their conversations. Garrett had seemed concerned about Moses Mile’s newest addition. He didn’t like to lose, but then what man did? It was odd to me the way they competed in racing horses. The Houstons’ seemed to always do what Garrett told them to do. Maybe it was part of the racing world that I didn’t understand.
“Yeah, he cost more than Dad wanted to spend, but I think he’ll pay off in the long run. How’re the riding lessons going?”
There had been no riding lessons lately. Blaise seemed preoccupied with family business.
I shrugged. “They’re not. No time,” I replied.
Saxon continued to study me, and it made me uncomfortable. I knew he couldn’t look at my face and tell that I was pregnant, but I still didn’t want him looking at me so closely.
Standing up, I reached for my purse. “It’s about time I head back to the house,” I told him, although I wasn’t leaving without letting Blaise know. Fighting with him over my driving was not something I wanted to do again today.
“I saw your wheels out there.” He looked guilty then.
Yes, Saxon, you lied to me.
I raised my eyebrows and nodded.
He pressed his lips together, then looked off with a small chuckle. “Sorry about all that,” he said as his gaze shifted back to me. “You know I only did what I thought was best for you. I wanted you safe too.”
And you are scared of Blaise. I didn’t add that though. I kept it silent. We both knew that was the underlying truth.
I shrugged. “It’s fine. I get it,” I assured him.
He looked like he was about to say more when Blaise walked up behind him. My eyes lifted to meet his over Saxon’s shoulder. He looked at Saxon, then to me.
“Sax,” he said simply, and Saxon turned around to face Blaise.
“Hey, Blaise,” he replied.
Blaise looked past him toward me. “You ready?”
I turned off the computer and stepped around the desk. Seeing him made me feel better even if I was keeping a secret that I didn’t know how to tell him. It always felt like he could fix everything.
“You headed up to the house?” Blaise asked Saxon.
He nodded. “Yeah, going to the springs with Trev and others.”
Blaise pulled something out of his back pocket and handed it to him. “Give this to Garrett.”
Saxon took it, and all I could see was a white envelope. He nodded, then turned back to me. “Bye, Maddy,” he said.
“Bye,” I replied and watched him go.
Blaise held out his hand to me. “Let’s go home.”
Home. He felt like home, but his house did not. It was a strange situation. Again, another thing that wasn’t good for a baby. How would I bring a baby into that house? Angel wouldn’t handle it well. Her screams and tantrums would get worse.
“I’m not driving you if that is why you’re frowning. I’m following you. That’s all,” he said to me as he took my hand and pulled me close to him.
I managed to smile. “Okay.”
Blaise lowered his head and pressed a kiss to my lips. “You look tired,” he whispered as his mouth hovered over mine.
I nodded.
The sound of his phone ringing ended his close study of me. He straightened and pulled it out of his pocket. “Yeah,” he replied, not caring that he sounded annoyed.
He stilled a moment before looking back at me. The frown line between his brows was never a good sign. He didn’t say anything else but continued to listen, then ended the call. His steady gaze on me made me nervous. I felt like he was reading all my thoughts.
Finally, he slipped his phone back into his pocket, and his fingers threaded through mine before he began walking to the exit of the stables. The silence was not comforting. With Blaise, it never was. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears; it was thumping so hard. I wished he would say something. Anything.