Page 48 of Fireball (Smoke)
“Madeline, are you pregnant?” he asked me, holding my gaze.
“Yes,” I whispered.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. I buried my face and let out a sob. It was a relief to cry. His arms tightened around me, and I was home. Safe. He made everything better.
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”
—William Shakespeare
“You need to handle shit better, son,” Garrett said over the line.
My gaze was on Madeline, curled up asleep on the bed. Not wanting to wake her, I moved to the stairs. She had fallen asleep in my arms after we got home.
“I saw the fucking feed from the cameras at the entrance. She was crying. That’s my grandchild she’s carrying. I told you about the pregnancy test because it’s your job to keep her safe. If you can’t do that, I’ll have her moved into this house.”
The moment Madeline had taken her purse and left the office today, Garrett had been alerted. He’d had her followed. Something I should have expected.
“The fuck you will,” I growled. “She stays with me. I keep her safe. Her and my kid.”
Garrett sighed. “Then, don’t make her cry. That was fucking brutal to watch.”
My hand gripped the phone tightly. I should have gotten away from the damn cameras before talking to her. I had been so tied up in knots about her keeping it a secret and not understanding why she would lie about it that I hadn’t been thinking straight.
“She was emotional. I didn’t make her cry,” I replied, hating him for accusing me of it.
“You need to make a decision about Angel. She can’t stay there, and you know it. This is going to upset her. Madeline doesn’t need that.” Garrett was only voicing what I’d already thought about.
“I know,” I replied as I reached the top stair. “I’ll talk to Gina tonight. I’m not sure she’s going to want to move out with Angel.”
“If she doesn’t, I can hire a full-time nurse and sitter,” he replied.
“It’s time Gina has her freedom. She can’t stay with Angel forever,” I said.
“Agreed,” Garrett sighed. Then, the line went silent.
I slipped the phone back into my pocket and went back down the stairs, not wanting to be away from her. Knowing she was carrying my baby made finding out what Liam was doing this close to her even more important. If he was a threat to her, I’d end him. I’d kill any son of a bitch that got too close to her.
Madeline was sitting up in bed with her arms wrapped around her knees when I walked back around the corner. Her hair hung over her shoulders. She looked so fucking young. Soon, she would be twenty, and I was already making her a mother.
“Hey,” I said as I walked over to the bed.
Her face looked flushed when she lifted her eyes to meet mine.
“Did I wake you up?” I asked her.
“No,” she said, then bit her bottom lip.
Why did she look embarrassed? What was I missing?
I sat down on the bed and reached over to tuck some hair behind her ear so I could see her face clearly.
She shivered, and goose bumps covered her bare arms.
“Are you cold?”
She shook her head.
I ran a finger down her arm. “These aren’t from being cold?”
“No,” she replied.
I moved my hand to her calf and pulled it toward me, opening her legs, then ran my hand up the inside of her thigh. She shivered again. My cock pressed against the zipper of my jeans. When my fingertips reached the crotch of her panties, I felt the dampness.
“No, this isn’t cold at all,” I told her before slipping a finger under the satin fabric.
She sucked in a sharp breath, and I watched as her eyes fluttered closed. My girl was horny. Her slick entrance felt swollen as the warmth of her arousal coated my fingers. It was different down here, I realized.
Why hadn’t I figured this out sooner? When I’d buried my face between her thighs two nights ago and eaten her like a man possessed, why hadn’t I noticed?
I stood then and grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down. She was in one of my shirts. When we had gotten home, I’d undressed her and slipped this over her before having her lie down and rest. Seeing her in my clothes made the possessive monster inside of me calm down. It eased me.
Tossing the panties to the floor, I pressed her back, opening her to me. I took in the view. She always had me so fucking out of control that I hadn’t taken the time to realize her body was changing.
“What are you doing?” she asked. I could hear the uncertainty in her voice.
I lifted my gaze from her sweet, hot cunt to her beautiful eyes. “Looking at this pussy I own and how it’s changing.”