Page 51 of Fireball (Smoke)
We didn’t take my SUV, which surprised me. I knew it had a tracker, but I assumed so did Gina’s car. It was a black sedan with tinted windows. I imagined it stood out less. I’d sent Blaise a text, thanking him for today, but he hadn’t responded yet. It always made me nervous when he was silent. Believing he was invincible was hard. Everyone else acted as if he couldn’t be hurt, but he was human, and he was always a target.
My stomach growled, and I winced.
Gina laughed. “We’ll eat first,” she said, glancing over at me before she turned left at a red light that I was used to turning right at.
Today, I would see more of the city. What I had seen was limited.
Gina turned on some music. It was some alternative stuff I wasn’t familiar with, and she began to tap the steering wheel like they were drums. I turned to look out the window, seeing more open land than anything. It didn’t feel like we were driving into town. If anything, it felt like we were driving away from it.
I started to ask Gina and saw her glance in the rearview mirror. I turned to look behind us, and a black SUV was following us. Must be our shadow we weren’t supposed to see. I glanced back at Gina, who was smiling. She must be thinking the same thing.
If the guy who was keeping us safe didn’t see anything wrong with where we were headed, then I was overthinking it. Blaise had made me paranoid. Besides, it was Gina. She was part of the family. I was fine.
Just as I had that thought, Gina slowed and turned onto a dirt road. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Something was wrong. I could feel the change in the vehicle. Gina opened her door and gave me a smile that wasn’t friendly at all. It looked more like she’d won something from me.
“Get out,” she said.
I didn’t move, but watched as the black SUV pulled up beside her. She walked over to it, and the window rolled down on the passenger side. I could see her talking to whoever it was. My attention was so focused in on her mouth and trying to figure out what she was saying that when my door was jerked open, I didn’t even have time to scream before I was gagged and pulled from the car. My eyes went to the purse sitting on the floorboard. My phone was in there. I panicked, kicking my legs, trying to get free.
“You’re fine. Easy, sweet thing,” the deep male voice said in my ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
He didn’t? Then, what did he want to do with me? Rape me? Oh God, no. I was pregnant. The baby. What would they do when they found out I was pregnant?
I began to struggle against him again, but he was stronger than I was, and it did little good.
Gina opened up the back door of the SUV for him, and he put me inside, took a rope, then began to tie my wrists together before taking the rope and tying it to the seat in front of me. I tried to wiggle my hands, but there was no budging.
“Don’t pull on them. It’ll make them tighter, and I don’t want those pretty little wrists raw,” he said, making my stomach twist in a sick knot.
Then, he proceeded to buckle me up. It surprised me so much that I froze and watched him. What was going on? He had me gagged, my hands tied, and he was worried about my safety?
“She can’t ever come back. If he knows I handed her over, he’ll kill me,” Gina said to the driver.
I stared at her in horror. What had she done?
“He won’t get her back,” the man replied, then rolled up the window.
I watched as Gina got inside her car and started to drive away. When my purse was tossed from her window into the grass, I cried out behind my gag. That was my only way to get to Blaise. There was no other way he could find me.
“It’s fine, sugar. No one is going to hurt you,” the driver said.
I jerked my gaze from my purse, now left in the tall grass where Gina’s car had been parked, to the man. He was big. As in tall and broad shoulders. His hair was in a ponytail and almost black. Tattoos covered his bare arms, and I would guess the rest of him, where the leather vest covered him, was too. I saw several rings on his fingers, and the dark sunglasses he wore covered his eyes.
I was the furthest thing from fine. I had been abducted, and someone I had trusted had handed me over. Blaise wouldn’t know what had happened to me. He’d track my phone and find my purse in the grass. That was it. Nothing else.