Page 63 of Fireball (Smoke)
Micah brushed the hair on my shoulder back and leaned too close to me. I froze.
“She’s just so damn pretty. All sweet and sexy,” he said in a low voice as he moved closer to me.
“You got one fucking second to move away from my pregnant daughter before I put you down myself.” Liam’s voice was firm and loud, surprising not only me, but Nina and Goldie too.
Goldie gasped, and Nina squealed, dropping her spatula.
Micah moved away from me slowly then, and I let out the breath I’d been holding.
“Damn, smart motherfucker,” Micah said, standing back up. “I’d have put my baby in her too.”
“I’m not in the mood for this shit today,” Liam said. “Why the hell are you up already?”
Micah shrugged. “Dylan slamming around when she left this morning woke me up.”
Liam sighed. “Stop fucking her. She wants more than you’re gonna give her.”
Micah yawned and stretched, showing off his stomach before answering, “She keeps begging for my dick. I’m weak.” Then, he looked at me and winked before walking over to the refrigerator.
I turned to Liam. “He told you last night,” I said to him, realizing now that Liam’s change in moods after talking to Blaise had been because he had been informed I was pregnant.
Liam nodded. “Yeah, he told me.”
I was glad. Relieved. I hadn’t wanted to tell him, but he needed to understand this was real. I wanted to be with Blaise. This wasn’t a fling.
“I’m sorry, are you telling me that Blaise Hughes knocked you up?” Nina asked, her eyes wide.
A small smile touched my lips.
“Fuck yeah, he did. Look at her. He’s powerful because he makes the right damn moves. That is a move I can respect,” Micah said before taking a half-gallon of orange juice from the fridge and drinking from the container.
“Micah.” Liam’s tone was another warning.
Nina looked nervous as she looked at Liam. “Is it safe? He’s …” She paused and glanced at me briefly. “I don’t want anyone to die.”
I realized what she was asking. I liked Nina. I didn’t want her or Goldie or any of the other women to worry. I knew what it felt like, fearing that the man you loved might get hurt or not come back from something. I lived it.
“I spoke with Blaise last night. He’s not going to do anything. I want to be here. To get to know Liam,” I assured her.
She didn’t look convinced. She fisted a towel in her hand as she looked at me. “You seem like a real sweet girl. It’s hard to imagine you living among those people. I’d be terrified that I would make a wrong move, and a bullet between my eyes would be the result. I just can’t imagine that a Hughes would be okay with not only their woman, but the woman carrying their child and heir to be somewhere they can’t get to them.”
I wasn’t going to correct her. The family was feared, and I knew that needed to remain if they were to keep their power. I knew a side of Blaise they didn’t, and I wasn’t going to share it with anyone. They could be terrified of him. He would want that. I didn’t need to keep defending him.
“Three days is all I have. If I’m not returned, then, yes, you should all be worried,” I replied.
Nina took a deep breath. “I say we make it two. Just in case those crazy bastards change their minds,” she said.
Liam didn’t respond. Micah, however, grinned like he was up for a challenge. That man was danger. One day, he was going to say the wrong thing to the wrong woman.
“I think she might just be worth the fight,” Micah said.
“Pregnant!” Nina reminded him.
He shrugged. “I could overlook that.”
“Jesus Christ,” Liam muttered. “Nina, could you or Goldie bring breakfast to the library? If I don’t get Madeline away from Micah, I’m going to lose my shit.”
Taking my plate, I stood up, wanting to get away from him too. I didn’t want to argue about that. The sooner I got Liam away from everyone else, the sooner I could ask questions.
“You aren’t going to make it three days,” Gage said, standing at the tall windows of the penthouse, looking out at the ocean.
Did he think I didn’t fucking know that?
I walked over to the bar to pour another drink. I needed to hear her voice. I needed to see her face and feel her in my arms. Last night, I hadn’t even been able to lie in the motherfucking bed.
“We can just go take her,” Gage suggested.
Growling, I glared at the glass in front of me. “No, we can’t. I promised her. I have to let her do this.”
Gage shrugged his arms, then turned to look at me. “Then, we need to get you some fucking Valium.”