Page 60 of Rule
When I walk out into the main room, I spot my backpack on his island, along with my tennis shoes and sandals on the floor.
“I’m ready,” I call out, slipping the sandals on since those are easier.
Resting my chin on my hand, I notice my phone sitting next to my backpack. Jesus, I’ve literally been so occupied with Brett that I haven’t checked it. I grab it and toss it inside. I can’t deal with that right now. I jump when the door opens, and Brett walks in, talking quietly on the phone. His eyes sweep my form, and he grabs my backpack. I follow him out into the dawn.
I’ve never been a morning person, and today is no exception. Barely able to see, I follow Brett in the early-morning darkness.
“That sounds good,” he says as he hangs up on whoever he was talking to and opens my door.
I slide in, biting my lip so as not to ask him who he was talking to. He walks around to his side and starts up the car. We drive in silence.
“I’m gonna follow you back to Skylar’s.” He reaches over, his hand rubbing my knee, and I almost burst into tears. Which is completely irrational.
“You don’t have to.” I look around as he turns onto the empty campus property.
“Come here, Baby Girl.” He puts his car in park.
Unbuckling my seat belt, I want to climb into his lap, but instead, I simply turn toward him. He reaches for me, his hand at my neck, bringing me to his lips as he kisses me. Softly and slowly, so different from last night when everything was rough and intense.
“See you in class.” He drops his hand from my neck.
I force myself to move.Just get out of his car and into yours. You can go over everything later.
“Thanks, Professor Powers,” I say over my shoulder as I exit, slamming his door. I head to my car. There’s a note on the windshield, but he’s sitting there watching me, so I put all my focus on not dropping my key fob. I climb in and start it.
As I move forward, I turn to wave, only to see him following me. My heart aches; he really is going to make sure I get home safe. I don’t know what to think.
Is he just doing this so he doesn’t have guilt? Or is he doing this because he feels the same as me? My stomach flutters at that thought. I turn into Skylar’s driveway, turn off my car, and get out.
The neighbor’s dog barks, but to be honest, I’m too tired and emotionally raw to quiet him. I just pull my backpack out and run up the steps, putting my key in, getting ready to wave, but he’s already pulling away.
I slowly slide inside and gently lock the door. The last thing I want to deal with is my sister. I’m too delicate right now. Maybe if I lie down, I can get a couple of hours’ sleep. I’ll curl into a ball, hug my pillow, and pretend it’s him.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
I scream and drop my backpack with a thud as I spin to see Skylar in her doorway. She’s in her robe, but she’s wearing makeup already.
“Jesus, you scared me.” I reach for my doorknob.
“I asked you a question.” She steps out, and I take a breath.
“Out,” I snap back, swinging my door open only to have her perfumed body block my entrance.
“With who?” she spits and I almost gag.
“None of your business.” I wipe at my face as she sniffs me. “What the hell are you doing?” I back away. Is she completely deranged?
“Where were you?” she screams, and I’m done.
Maybe it’s because of Brett, and this weekend, or maybe I’ve just had enough of her.
“I’m going to give you exactly three seconds to get out of my way, or I’ll move you myself.” My voice doesn’t waver as I stare straight into her eyes. She must see I’m not kidding because she steps away.
“I can smell him on you,” she hisses, walking back into her bedroom and slamming her door.
“Psycho.” I grab my backpack. Lifting the edge of my dress, all I smell is a fresh, downy scent. She’s trying to trip me up, right? I drop down onto my bed, kick off my sandals, and flop across the mattress.