Page 106 of Wise
“How’s she doing?”
Haven sucks in her lower lip and casts a quick look at her sister. “Sometimes she’s afraid to go to sleep. She thinks she might not wake up. I know it’s you sending the flowers three times a week. She loves them. So thank you for that.”
“No need.” I want to touch her so badly I can’t fucking stand it. On the far side of the yard by a column of oleanders, Charlotte plays fetch with Total. “I haven’t seen Robert.”
“He has a soccer game today.”
“No doubt Charlotte was disappointed.”
“Was she?”
“Yeah. You know how childhood crushes are.”
It was a nonchalant comment. The shift in her mood might be my imagination. But it seems to me she stiffens for a few seconds.
Haven finally turns my way again. Clouds have now gathered in her pretty eyes. “Conner, I don’t know how you can stand to talk to me after the way I treated you.”
Fucking hell. Doesn’t she know I would swim oceans for her?
Maybe she doesn’t.
Haven looks past me at the food. “I told Lita I’d get her something to eat.”
“Plenty to choose from here. Dani had a name for this setup. A shark town board.”
She cracks up. “That’s not what it’s called.”
I know. I just wanted to make her smile. Success.
I watch as she takes a white ceramic plate from a stack and selects a fork. “Lita will be living at your place?”
She spears a cheddar wedge and adds it to the plate. “For now. I should have found time to look for something better. A tiny apartment in a shitty neighborhood isn’t where she ought to be.”
“Good news. I’ve got some empty bedrooms in my house. Already furnished. Let’s get you both moved in before sunset.”
Her mouth twists into a smirk. “Funny.”
Unable to resist the distance between us, I close in and move a strand of hair, which is now blonde, from her cheek. “Dead serious.”
She sets the plate down. Shuts her eyes.
This isn’t the ideal time and place to pour my heart out.
Who the fuck cares?
I’m not letting this moment go by without clearing up something important.
Haven remains still when my arms circle her. I sweep aside her hair and inhale the beachy scent of her soap.
“I love you, Haven. And I know you love me too.” My lips graze the shell of her ear. “I would wait for you forever, baby. But don’t make me wait too long, okay? Every day without you hurts.”
She softens against my chest, rolls her head back, and allows me to hold her close for a moment.
But only for a moment.