Page 130 of Wise
Fiona extends the arm with healing stitches. “My feelings are less charitable.”
“Can’t blame you for that.”
There must be some weed smokers nearby. The smell is pungent enough to tickle my nose.
“Hey.” Fiona pokes me with her elbow. “I’ve got this covered if you want to take off. Tonight will be easy money with little trouble. We can catch up on the books during the week.”
The fact that I’m ready to follow her advice leaves me feeling guilty. Conner is at the house with Lita. She’s safe. He’s safe. Tess and Micah are right across the street in case of an emergency. Really, I have no excuse to skip out of the club when I’ve barely shown my face here in weeks.
Fiona drains her drink and waits for me to grapple with my conscience.
“Are you sure?” I ask her.
“Go home to your lover, my queen. I’m sick of watching you daydream about his dick.” Her smile becomes gentle. “Really, we don’t need babysitters. You’re needed elsewhere.”
It’s not hard to swallow my guilt. For years I was chained to the club and to the ugly world built by my father. That wasn’t living, not really. Now I know what living really is.
“All right, I’m going. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.”
She raises her glass, now empty. “You know I will.”
After doubling back to the office to collect my bag from the safe, I take a minute to check the contents. It cost a pretty penny to build into the wall and would require a detonation of some kind to breach. There’s no reason for me to feel a twinge of worry as I peer inside. Still, I exhale with relief when I see that nothing has been touched. It’s foolish to leave so much cash in here but I avoid banks whenever I can.
After double checking to ensure everything is locked up again, I make the choice to use the back exit. To my surprise, Andrei is waiting just outside the office.
He checks out the bag on my arm and the keys in my hand. “You’re leaving.”
“Do you need something?”
He shifts his weight. Looks down the hall. “Nah, but I’ll walk you to your car. Just can’t be too careful.”
I feel confident that I don’t need a bodyguard but I won’t turn down the offer.
Andrei holds the door for me and stays alert on the short walk to my Lexus. I’m about to duck inside behind the wheel but I can’t shake the feeling Andrei has something on his mind.
“You sure nothing’s up?”
He scratches his beard and thinks. Then ultimately grins. “Everything’s cool, boss. You take care now.”
As soon as I climb into the car, Andrei shuts the door behind me. He stands guard as I drive away. I have the uneasy sense I’ve failed to take an opportunity to hear something important.
The idea persists as I navigate the winding roads of the east side, constantly checking the rearview mirrors out of habit, just in case anyone is tailing me. By the time I reach the freeway the disquiet has faded, the buzz of excitement taking its place.
I’m going home to Conner.
Across the street the lights are all blazing and the shutters are open. I see Micah and Tess cuddled up on the living room sofa with a bowl of popcorn. Light flickers from the television. It’s safe to assume that baby Dash is in bed. Tess lays her head on her husband’s shoulder. He pulls her in for a kiss.
There’s a sense that I’m intruding as I watch them in the dusk. I lock my car and walk to the front door.
The Star Wars theme music blasts to life the second I step inside. I follow the sound to the living room and find Darth Vader promising to destroy the last of the Jedi. Other than the action on the television screen, the room is deserted. Locating the remote, I turn the volume of Vader’s baritone threats way down and hear the splash of water. The sliding glass doors are open to the backyard and the pool lights are on.
“I wasn’t ready!” Lita yells. “Serve it again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Conner tosses a beach ball in the air and bops it over the net that has been stretched across the length of the pool.