Page 146 of Wise
Her mouth falls open. Then she picks up the open whiskey bottle sitting on the bar and fires it at the stage. The sound of shattering glass is satisfying.
I push the full shopping bag at her. “There’s something I need you to do for me.”
She shrugs. “Anything.”
“Split this up and give it to the girls. Also, Andrei has a sister living here in Em City. Make sure she gets a cut too. That’s what he’d want.”
Fiona looks at the bag. “You’d trust me to do that?”
“Yes. I trust you. After all, we’re friends, aren’t we?”
She flashes a brief smile. It fades quickly. “What are you going to do?”
“Go home to my man. Then I’ll do something I’m not very good at. Ask for help.”
“In that case,” she says as she picks up the shopping bag. “Jared and Talon don’t stand a chance.”
“Just keep a low profile. Don’t stay at the apartment. You’re on their radar.”
Fiona tosses her red curls. “Don’t worry about me. If I have one talent it’s escaping from men who wish me dead.”
“You should go now.”
She hesitates. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Get out of here before the fire starts.”
Her mouth twists. “I don’t want to leave you to do this alone.”
“I’m asking you to.”
She sighs and slowly trudges to the door, looking over her shoulder at me. “I’ll see you soon, Haven.”
“Right.” I pick up a vodka bottle in each hand. Then I throw them on the floor to make puddles of alcohol. As good as gasoline. “Hey, Fiona? You be careful out there.”
A hint of her dazzling smile returns. “You know I will.”
And then she’s gone.
In the club’s last minutes of life, I stand in the middle of the floor and indulge in a moment of silence. With my gun in one hand and a full tequila bottle in the other, I turn the bottle upside down and allow the contents to pour out in a trail behind me as I leave the building for the final time.
I’ve ended the tequila trail a few feet from my car and I’m about to light the flame when my phone pings.
I can’t bring myself to ignore it, even in the midst of burning down my club, just in case the message is from Conner.
The text is not from Conner. It’s from Sophie. All caps.
I’m still staring at the text, unsure what to think, when a call comes in.
“Sophie, what’s the matter?”
She hyperventilates on the other end, spitting out words in a jumble. “I’m hiding because Jared will kill me and I don’t know what to do because his guys are everywhere so I snuck out and came here but now I’m afraid to leave because Jared said I have a big mouth and someone should make sure I can’t talk and can you come get me, Haven?”
“Calm down, Soph. Jared wouldn’t be stupid enough to hurt you.”
She gulps and wails. “Yes, he will, this time he really will because I heard him talking to Talon and Talon told him to just do it already so that’s why I ran and hid here.”