Page 153 of Wise
“You fucking idiot.”
“WHAT is the big deal? Talon said you were probably going to kill her anyway. He said once the rest of the Marchenkos were dead then there wouldn’t be anyone left to argue and then you could take on my father. Well, here she is, ready to be killed.”
Jared throws up his hands in disgust.
Sophie is still trying to explain. “Guys, I want you to use the snakes. Just like you did with that man who owed you money and cried for his mother as you cut off his fingers.”
Jared ignores her and his irritation shifts to his brother. “So you’ve been plotting behind my back? You and this bubble brained piece of ass?”
“Shut up!” Sophie turns the gun on her husband. “You can’t talk about me like that anymore.”
Jared’s hand moves to his own weapon. “You’ve got two seconds to throw that down or your skull will be in pieces you dumb bitch.”
Sophie looks to Talon. He gives her a nod. She tosses the gun on the filthy sofa and crosses her arms, sulking.
With everyone distracted, there’s no better time for me to go full warrior princess and take down whoever I can. The jagged wood is still in my hand. Jared and Talon are off balance, unprepared for this particular confrontation. There’s no sign of their army. If I can slice a neck or take out an eye or two that might cause enough confusion to get the upper hand.
The one I’m aiming for first is the most evil among them. The one who would murder a twelve-year-old child.
Talon throws me a look of mild amusement before sidestepping the attack. His leg sweeps my feet out from under me and the jolt to my spine is painful when I land on my ass. I lash out blindly, frantically, but Talon gets behind me and he’s a hell of a lot stronger than Fiona. One strong arm becomes a chain around my chest, pinning my arms to my side and lifting me painfully. His other hand casually begins squeezing my throat until I gasp for air. My only weapon clatters to the floor.
I never stood a chance.
Talon’s sour breath brushes my cheek. His laughter shakes his chest. “Let’s find our guest a place to sit so we can have a talk.”
“I have an idea!” Sophie runs out to the lobby. After a series of crashes she rolls the mangled office chair into the room. “Ta da!”
Jared looks vaguely exasperated, like he’d rather be off golfing instead of watching this sideshow.
“Have a seat, cuz.” Talon dumps me into the chair and bends down. His eyes don’t blink. “Take another swipe at me and I’ll break your fucking neck.” He chucks a finger under my chin. “Do you doubt me?”
“No. You’re a fucking child murderer.” I can hardly get the words out. I’m choking on my agony. “Sadistic coward. My brother was a little boy. Your own goddamn cousin.”
He hisses out a breath and stands up straight, peering down at me with scorn. “Your brother’s alive. For now. Remains to be seen how much longer you’ll be in the same condition.”
“Traitor. Burn in hell.”
“Nah, not yet. But your father is.”
I was so stricken by what they said about Robert that somehow the news about my father didn’t sink in. But of course ‘the old man’ Jared referred to could only be one person.
Their boss.
My father.
The air leaves my lungs. There’s no one left to stop my cousins from doing whatever they want. Now they will take out whoever stands in their way.
“Look what else I have.” Sophie dangles a pair of handcuffs in front of my nose. “So she doesn’t try to run away.”
Talon snatches them from her and promptly cuffs my right wrist to an exposed pipe in the wall.
“You killed Andrei too.” Maybe I just want him to admit it. A grim confession for the sake of a man who was my loyal friend.
“Andrei?” Talon glances at his brother. “Who the fuck is Andrei?”
Jared shrugs. “That bald dickhead from the Back Door. Made him an offer. He told me to go fuck myself. Now he’s not telling anyone anything.”
Talon suddenly turns furious eyes back to me. “It was you who burned down the club today.”