Page 164 of Wise
“Gage should be here within the hour,” Dani says.
She rubs her belly. There are a lot of reasons why I owe Dorothy Ann Silvestro, but one reason rises above them all. I can’t shake the suspicion that she was the magnet that pulled us all together, like everything that has happened somehow began with her.
“Do you know yet?” I ask. “If you’re having a boy or a girl?”
“Not for another few weeks. Gage swears we’re having a girl. If so, we’ll name her Cecile.”
“My grandmother would be proud,” Conner says.
“If you’re hungry,” Dani tells me, “I tried out a homemade chicken strip recipe. Conner said it was your favorite food. I left the tray in the fridge.”
“Our Dani feeds the world.” Tess throws a fond look at her best friend.
“Thank you,” I say to Dani, even though it feels inadequate. “Thank you for everything.”
She holds my eye. “What are friends for?”
“We’re more than friends, Dani. We’re family.”
She swallows and gets a little misty eyed. “You’re right, Haven. We are.”
There’s a small commotion when Total jumps to life and darts across the yard to chase an innocent pigeon pecking in the grass.
“Total, don’t!” Charlotte runs after her dog.
Robert stays behind, lost in his thoughts, staring glumly down at the grass.
Conner holds onto my arm when he sees me rising from my chair. I shake my head to show that I’m just fine. Then I walk over to my little brother.
Robert doesn’t look up until I ease down in the grass beside him. Then he blinks and straightens his back.
“Hey there, kiddo.”
“Hi.” Worry lines crease his forehead. “Are you all right?”
“Conner told me what happened. About the snakes and everything. He talked your doctors into letting me visit but you were asleep at the time.”
“I’m home now.” I choose my words carefully, searching for the right ones. “This isyourhome too.”
“I liked my old home.” His face crumples. “I never wanted to be an orphan.”
“I know. But I’m here for you. We all are.”
“Where will I go to school?”
“We’ll figure something out.”
He sniffs and wipes his nose with the back of his hand. “I miss my mom. I keep thinking I hear her voice but I know that’s not true. I saw her die.”
“She was a good mother. She would be happy that you’re safe. And we can talk about her anytime you want.”
Robert sniffs again. But he doesn’t resist when I give him a gentle hug.
Something furry touches my hand. I look down into Total’s grinning doggie face. He has dirt on his tongue.
Charlotte runs up to us, breathless. “I found a hummingbird nest in the jasmine bush. Robert, come and see.” She grabs his arm with impatience.