Page 166 of Wise
He lifts bushy eyebrows. “Haven’t we all?”
His gaze strays to the window. He stares at the far side of the yard where Robert hangs out with Charlotte.
Instantly, every muscle in my body tenses. I can guess what’s coming next.
“I’ll take the boy,” Estes says, still staring at my little brother. “He’s been raised with the expectation that he’s the future of the family. Give him to me. I’ll turn him into the kind of man who makes our name mean something.”
“No. Fucking. Way.” Conner speaks before I do. He’s practically snarling as he leans forward a few inches to make his point with a frosty glare.
“You can’t have him.” Lita is ready to dive across the table and strangle our uncle if necessary.
“We would fight you to the death,” I add. I’m not even exaggerating.
Estes sits back. He seems amused. “No, I think there’s been enough death for now.” He leans heavily on his cane as he stands. “I have a car waiting. Guess I’ll be getting out of your way for the time being.”
“Yeah, I think that’s best.”
He smiles. “Thanks for returning my ring.” He doesn’t get three steps before turning to drop one more landmine. “You can finish raising the boy. But once he’s a man he gets to make his own choice. And if he seeks me out, I’m keeping him. You know it’s what your father would have wanted.”
My uncle doesn’t await a reply.
“Don’t count on it,” I whisper.
After I hear the front door open and close, I take an anxious look out the window where my brother pets a dog and laughs with a little girl, with no idea that his fate has just been fought over.
Conner’s arm slides across my shoulders and I lean into his strength.
Lita twirls a piece of hair, her face troubled. “I think he’s wrong.”
“Damn right he’s wrong. He’s never getting his vile, corrupt hands on our brother.”
“True, but it’s not what I meant. Do you remember the last thing Dad said to us?”
“Take care of my treasure. You know where to find it.”
“Yes, but I have no idea what treasure he was talking about. I thought it was just his way of ordering us to protect his empire.”
She quits twirling her hair. “Maybe not.” She takes a pointed look out the window. “Maybe he was referring to something else.”
It’s not out of the question. Nothing meant more to Aric Marchenko than his only son. Perhaps once he suspected he’d soon be facing his judgment day, his mind was on protecting Robert from the blood-soaked destiny that had been mapped out for him since birth. And my father understood no one would be better for the job than us.
Anyway, I’d like to think so.
Lita pats my leg and stands. “It’s good to have you home. Do you need anything?”
I have to laugh because I’ve asked her that same question a thousand times since she woke from her coma. She stares, confused. Then she laughs too.
“It’s my turn to hover, little sister.” She winks on her way back to the patio.
I don’t even balk at her use of ‘little sister’. Instead, I tip my face toward Conner and await his kiss.
He cups my chin in his hand and seductively uses his tongue. Despite injury and exhaustion, my whole body hums with pleasure. I can’t wait to be alone with him later.
For now, I look into his eyes and remind him of something. “You did promise to marry me.”
He nods. “Just say when.”
“I’m saying when.”