Page 50 of Wise
“Why is that?”
He lets the seconds stretch in dramatic silence before letting his answer drop. “Because, Haven, I am notever fucking sharing you withANYONE.”
I did not successfully shock him. But he has managed to shock me.
Where did all my handy, harsh sarcasm go? The best I can do is squirm beneath the water and make a noise that sounds like, “Huh.”
He laughs. “Come here.”
“What for?”
“Better view from this side. When I look straight up I see the spoons.”
“The what?”
He jabs his finger at the sky. “Right there.”
“I see The Big Dipper, Conner.”
“Not yet you don’t. But I’ll show you if you ask nicely.”
“Are we talking about the sky or your dick?”
“Whichever you think is more exciting.”
This conversation is ludicrous. I laugh anyway. “You’re a pig.”
“Sometimes. But haven’t I been a gentleman today? Fed you lobster and didn’t even try to grab your tits yet.”
“I didn’t have lobster.Youhad lobster. And for the record, I would have belted you in the nuts if you’d gotten fresh.”
“Nice. Now you’re just trying to tempt me.”
“Never underestimate the power of my kick. With one blow I could have put an end to the Wiseman line forever.”
“Shit, that’s harsh. Imagine trying to deprive the world of Conner Junior.”
The laughter bubbles out of my throat again. Can’t help it.
But this magnetic connection is also catching me off guard. I’m remembering too much about why I used to be crazy about him. With each passing minute, wider cracks are breaking in my invisible armor. If those cracks grow any bigger I’ll get reckless.
Anyway, our time’s almost up. I’ve already made sure of that.
Without a word of explanation I jump out of the hot tub. The chilly night air strokes my skin on the short walk to the pile of towels and dry clothes. A quick glance over my shoulder confirms that Conner hasn’t followed. He’s just moved over to the closest side of the hot tub, watching me in silence.
My phone lights up with Vito’s incoming text.Ten minutes out.
It would be better if I was waiting for him out front. Alone.
Moving swiftly, aware that nothing is hidden thanks to the patio lights, I rub a fluffy beach towel on my skin. Despite the fact that Conner is watching, or more to the pointbecauseConner is watching, I peel off my sodden sports bra and drape it on the back of a nearby chair. His abandoned t-shirt, balled up beside his jeans, is seized on impulse and pulled over my head. The smell of him, the lingering warmth of his body and the intimate rush of stealing something of his all collides with powerful force. The t-shirt falls mid thigh and covers the important parts. The choice to forget my pants is intentional.
Freeing my hair, I let it fall in soft, damp curtains around my face. “I need to go.”
Conner hangs his elbows over the side. “Why?”
Because I want to stay.
“The family driver is picking me up. He’ll be here any minute.”