Page 54 of Wise
Gage throws the door open before I get a chance to knock. He’s always dressed like he just got finished shouting at underlings in a board meeting.
He gives me a cool nod. “Dani made lunch so I don’t want to hear that you’re not hungry.”
That’s worth a sarcastic snort. “As if we just met today. When am Ievernot hungry?”
Gage isn’t in the habit of busting my balls as often as Micah but he still blocks my entrance with a smirk, forcing me to shoulder check him aside. He just wants to serve up a reminder that he’s no pushover. The guy is as tough to move as any NFL rival.
Charlotte, dressed in her plaid skirt uniform, runs into me next. Circling her feet and belting out three sharp yaps of greeting is her dog, Total. “Conner you need to take a selfie with me.” She’s already got her phone held at arm’s length and when I’m too slow to cooperate, she jerks on my arm. “You have to kneel down. I’m short.”
I do what I’m told, dropping down to one knee and smiling for the camera. Total barks at me again.
“That’s perfect.” Charlotte snaps the picture.
“Perfect for what?” I scratch Total behind the ears. He wags a furry little nub of a tail.
Charlotte scrunches up her face. “I need to prove something.”
“To who?”
“This asshole at school who says you’re not my cousin.”
I shoot a glance at Gage, who coughs to cover his laugh. “Speaking of school, shouldn’t you be there?”
She drops her phone into a cardigan sweater pocket. “It was a half day. The teachers are all having a meeting or some crap. Daddy is working on his next book and Mother is at the office so Gage picked me up and we stopped by my house to rescue Total from his kennel. Now I’m helping take care of Dash. I even helped Dani give him a bath.” She heaves a very loud sigh. “Conner, have I told you what a shitshow my school is? Most people at that place absolutely suck. I want to go to public school instead but you know what Matilda is like. She says I’ll pick up bad habits there. Can you believe that? What a crock of bullshit.”
The instant Charlotte finishes her speech she’s off and running down the hall, Total galloping after her, leaving me and Gage to sort things out for ourselves.
I wait until she’s out of earshot. “Damn. She’s on a profanity mission these days.”
He lets out a chuckle and touches the doorknob. “Were we any different?”
Probably not. I don’t remember a whole lot about being ten years old.
While I’m mulling this over he touches the doorknob again. It’s an OCD thing, no big deal. He fights the urges around everyone who’s not family. To outsiders, Gage’s lack of friendliness and his indifference to their gossip comes off as callous. They don’t know him like we do. Gage would carve a hole in his own chest to protect the people he loves.
I wait while he gives the doorknob one last swipe, then he motions that I ought to follow Charlotte’s lead to the living room.
Gage’s wife, lovely as ever, sits in the center of a fluffy white area rug. Meanwhile, the world’s most awesome baby stretches out on his belly in the middle of a colorful mat that’s decorated with cartoon animals. He’s currently too busy inspecting his reflection in a small mirror to notice my arrival but Dani smiles and waves me over.
“Hello, gorgeous.” Bending down, I peck her cheek. She smells like baby soap.
“There’s food.” She points to an impressive layout on the buffet table. “When I heard you were coming over I added some of your favorites to the menu.”
“You’re a peach. Are those Italian meatballs?”
“Yup. Fresh subway rolls are in the basket. Help yourself.”
“Will do after I pay proper respects to my main man.” Hunkering on my knees, I snatch up a plush rattle with a smiling lion face and shake it to get Dash’s attention. “Hey, buddy. Remember me?”
He rolls to his back with a gurgle. His arms wave in the air. The scene is too freaking cute and I can’t resist scooping him up and setting him on my shoulder.
Total takes a seat at the edge of the area rug and rests his head on his tiny paws.
Charlotte snaps a picture of all of us. “I’m sending this to Tess.”
I bring Dash with me to raid the food. He doesn’t object. “Speaking of the newlyweds, have they been in contact?”
Gage helps his wife to her feet. She stretches on her toes to plant a kiss on his lips and then straightens the hem of her blue dress. “Talked to them an hour ago on a video call. They’re happy but they sure do miss their little boy. I bet they’ll come back before Friday.”