Page 63 of Wise
I snap my fingers and kick the leg of the chair. “Get up. You’re coming with me and don’t even think about running. You won’t enjoy being caught.”
She flinches and her chin trembles but I can’t sound friendly just yet. Someone might still interfere. Her pink hoodie is zipped up to her chin and her pretty eyes swim with tears as she snatches a backpack and stands. She’s petite, barely reaching my shoulder.
My father’s goons hold the door open and I wait for the girl to follow me out into the sunshine. She tucks her hair behind her ears and opens her mouth to ask a question but I cut her off with a stern shake of my head. Her feet drag on the asphalt as she follows me to my car. I’ve just successfully installed her in the passenger seat when there are footsteps at my back.
“Haven, wait.”
I curse myself for throwing my purse into the car already, cutting off easy access to my gun. Then I swivel to face Jared, who has decided to wander out here for reasons unknown.
Standing in front of the passenger window, it’s a subtle message that I’ll be in the way if he tries to get to the girl. “What do you want?”
He takes his time strolling over in his impeccable suit and gives me an insincere half smile. “I know things got a little heated in there.”
“No big deal. Like I said.”
He checks the time on his two thousand dollar watch. “Let’s remember we’re all on the same team.”
I let him squirm under my unblinking gaze for a moment before answering. “Believe me, Jared, I don’t forget who’s on my side and who isn’t.”
His smile drops and his back stiffens. “I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s Lita doing these days?”
If I were a dog, every hair on my back would be raised. It’s a miracle I can speak without growling. “Lita is very well taken care of. Thanks for your concern after a decade of disinterest.”
He takes a step closer, a classic bully move. “I’m sure it’s very hard, watching someone you love wither away as a helpless shell.” He slides one thick finger on the hood of my car and makes face of disgust, as if he’s discovered filth. Then he removes a red handkerchief from the breast pocket of his blazer and makes a show of wiping his fingers clean. “I wonder whatyouwould want if you were trapped like that, with strangers feeding you through a tube and wiping your fucking ass while you stared at a wall year after year.”
For that alone I’d cheerfully cave his skull in. But common sense keeps my hands glued to my sides and my rage in check.
There are too many people depending on me. I can’t take the bait.
Rather than explode, I sigh as if he’s unspeakably boring. “Get lost, Jared. If you’re desperate for attention, go home and remember you’ve got a wife. Are we done now? I’ve got things to do besides stand in a parking lot and listen to you whine.”
He stares at me. I stand my ground and stare back.
Finally, with a sniff of laughter he starts walking backwards. “Maybe I’ll take your advice and go home to mywife.”
“You do that.” My racing pulse begins to calm down. “Have fun.”
“I will.” He takes three steps and spins around again. “But take some free advice. Do a better job watching your back, cousin. I was walking right behind you and you didn’t even notice. Never know who might be trailing you next.”
I flip him off. He laughs and whistles on his way back to the building.
Only when the door swings shut behind him do I exhale and stalk over to the driver’s side. The girl clutches her shabby backpack in her lap as I click my seatbelt. The sour waves of fear rolling off her are intense and my heart softens.
I place a gentle hand on her arm. She flinches so I remove my hand. “Don’t be afraid.”
Her chest heaves and fat tears start rolling down her cheeks. I reach into the glove compartment for a pack of tissues and hand them over.
“What’s your name?”
She blows her nose. “Veronica.”
“How old are you, Veronica?”
“Any family left?”
She chews her lip and her face crumples again. “No, it was just me and my dad.” Tears stick to her lashes as she raises her eyes to me. “Who are you?”